Hi 8)
I come back with the ACman Hangar cause with this
utilitary You can remove your aircraft folder as you want
between your for exemple cfs2asie to the mission builder or contrary.To use the MB you must keep the limit to 90/100 Aircraft folder.,but sometimes you have some folder with 2,3 ...5 textures .If you have 7 or 9
P40 with 9 different texture it's also possible to make ONE aircraft folder with NINE texture
(you have some tutorials about that).it's more esy that you can think.
I think the best solution if you have space in your HD is the multi installation You rename all your roots shurtcut in the cfs2 folder
ex: cfs2asia, cfs2euroW,cfs2euroE etc....
and you paste theses shortcuts to your desktop or you game folder.
you can have any theatre with their specifics missions sceneries and aircrafts
and at least you keep cfs2 name folder for the MB game.
Don't move the stocks planes