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Poor graphics on addon scenery... (Read 818 times)
May 28th, 2003 at 11:04pm

stulew99   Offline
2nd Lieutenant
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

Posts: 1
Can anybody help me with a slight problem??
I have a reasonable setup....pentium4 40GB 1.7 512Mb RAM and a titanium TI4200 GRAPHICS CARD.
I get about15-20 fps on the ground and 45-50fps in the air which I am very pleased with my problem is this...
When I start off from my HUB at EGLL (which I have ADDon scenery) there is a "Heat Haze" effect which shimmers very badly when i look around the airport, this can get so bad that it is hard to determine where the runway is and if there is any traffic nearby. I have tried to adjust the scenery settings but this makes no difference.Could it be the quality of the CD ROM addon that is causing this. Can anybody recommend a good British Airports Disc that i can purchase that maybe would be better for me??
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