good afternoon Merry Chistmas and a happy New Year to all flight simaviators...
its been a year and a little more that i have not been here due to pc problems and others, but im back...
main problem was that my pc was stolen
with all the info of everyting including all fsx with some nice things inside,
lucky i had a back up wich i did not have a back up is how to get the ground service and others things...i can open main door with shift e2 or cntl j for the gates, but nothing more
i have a the mage package for airbus, 747 bbj, 747 AA, 747 Qatar, 7478i one world and other similar ones.
also air force one (7478 ssp de lux ) is very difficult to turn, isnt there a program to help turn these little birds around on the tarmak ?....
i was looking around in the forums but im out of luck....any info please....thanks a lot