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› May 25, 1961 - This nation should commit itself
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May 25, 1961 - This nation should commit itself (Read 752 times)
May 26
, 2012 at 12:08am
Go 'Noles!
Morningwood Golf Resort
Posts: 1068
President John F. Fennedy - May 25, 1961
I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to the earth. No single space project in this period will be more impressive to mankind, or more important for the long-range exploration of space; and none will be so difficult or expensive to accomplish ...
... unless we get stuck in a war halfway across the world that sucks up all of our available GDP for 10 years. Then it would be ridiculous to waste all that money just so we could say we beat the Russians to a meaningless goal.
A bad day at golf is better than a good day at work.
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Reply #1 -
May 26
, 2012 at 12:16am
Go 'Noles!
Morningwood Golf Resort
Posts: 1068
Why Kennedy’s Moon Speech Was Crazy—and How the US Could Have Landed on the Moon With the Soviets
There are few moments in history as defining for a nation and the world as May 25, 1961. That's when President John F. Kennedy announced a plan to put a man on the Moon before the decade was over.
There was only a small problem: There was no plan ...
From that point, NASA had to develop everything from scratch, from the Saturn V rockets and the now iconic lander to entire computers and the method for manned orbital rendezvous. Imagine that. None of that technology existed. None of those procedures were known at the time. While all these things may seem like the most logical thing now, at the time they didn't know much about them. It all was stuff that belonged to science fiction comic books ...
What is less known is that Kennedy actually proposed a joint lunar mission with the Soviet Union. It happened in a speech before the 18th General Assembly of the United Nations, in September 20, 1963 ...
Coincidence? I just started watching
From the Earth to the Moon
a couple of days ago.
A bad day at golf is better than a good day at work.
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Reply #2 -
May 26
, 2012 at 2:08am
Posts: 675
Cool stuff there Captain ~ Ask not what your Country can do for you, but what you can do for "Flight Simming" , isn't that what he said, kinda sorta, something along those lines, maybe, I think thats what he said,, "Flight Simming"
, then again ~ I could be wrong !
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Reply #3 -
May 26
, 2012 at 11:21am
If it's not Boeing, I'm
not going.
KBOI; Boise, Idaho
Posts: 1203
Wow, thanks for that, would have forgotten what happened today.
Lenovo Y570: Intel Core i7-2670QM Processor( 2.2GHz 1333MHz 6MB) Nvidia 555M graphics, 8GB Memory/RAM 1TB of space
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Reply #4 -
May 26
, 2012 at 12:04pm
Expert on flying bricks.
Posts: 381
I don't agree with calling meaningless to be able to put a man on the moon. It's sad that people don't understand the amazing amount of resources we can get out of the moon if there was a bit more interest in doing so.
I also think that competition was what made NASA be able to invent so much technology in just 8 years, although I don't agree with putting an american flag on the moon. Or, at least, just the american flag. That was pratically calling the moon as american territory, when it's nobody's and everybody's land.
Nevertheless I think the USA could use it's money better. NASA's budget doesn't even reach 1% of the total US bugdet and even so they managed to put several men on the moon, keep space shuttles flying for over 40 years, send several landing probes to Venus, Mars, Titan, etc. Send 4 very important exploration probles Voyager 1/2 and Pioneer 10/11. And even sent a lot of satelites and research instruments to look up onto the stars and make new discoveries every day. And they keep all this up and running with less than 1% of the total US budget.
So, yeah, I can't even imagine what would NASA do if they had the same monetary support as the military forces. I bet we would have resort hotels on Mars and the Moon...
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Reply #5 -
May 26
, 2012 at 3:34pm
2003: the year NH couldn't
save face...
Posts: 6837
Xpand wrote
on May 26
, 2012 at 12:04pm:
So, yeah, I can't even imagine what would NASA do if they had the same monetary support as the military forces. I bet we would have resort hotels on Mars and the Moon...
This isn't so far fetched; compressing the words, a statesman once said that 'we need war to keep our population in check'; eventually, our world population will exceed the Earth's efficiency to sustain it; too many rats in the cage can result in the smaller/weaker rats dead and, more or less, eaten. By developing our transport and biospheric technology ASAP, we can relieve or belay overpoopulation [that was a typo -- but, on 2nd thought...]; leastwise, there is a possibility of a new start.
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Reply #6 -
May 27
, 2012 at 10:07am
Strategic Retreat
Wish people were less
idiotic as an average
Posts: 603
Reaching the moon before the "
hateful enemy
" was simply a political move to keep the attention of the masses focused on something. Had it had a REAL meaning, the missions would have never stopped in 72. Ultimately useless, if not politically speaking. And speaking if political reasons means speaking of meaningless reasons by default.
Fact is, if you allow me this metaphor, when space travel is regarded we earthlings are still experimenting with oars powered canoes carved out of a tree trunk and/or rafts to reach a little cliff out of the sea right in front of our little island... and that happened how many times before those travels were abandoned? Five times? ...and lately we only used said canoes and rafts to circumnavigate our island, contenting ourselves to delegate farther travels only to bottles with a paper scroll inside because of the objectively unpractical long sailing times.
And unpractical long sailing times will remain until we invent at least the sails, or better yet some form of steam engine at the very least, around which build a real boat...
Do you see someone try to build said boat? Or its sails? Or its steam engine? Nope, too busy in other things, they still toy with canoes and rafts powered by oars, proudly calling them the cutting edge of today's technology... just like 40 years ago. Isn't that JUST great?
There is no such a thing as overkill. Only unworthy targets.
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