Good evening everyone...
Every once in awhile I try to type something out that might benefit at least one person here on our forums and then I know my effort was not wasted.
Passing seven decades now with three nearly full logbooks, an ATR and more paid flying hours than I probably deserved the old girl and I sometimes sit at the piano or organ and pound out a few old tunes while always, always coming back to this question.
What are we going to leave our grandchildren and great grandchildren?
The old girl is a very good aviatress in her own right, Commercial License and Instrument Rating.
Our own children have just about everything they could want and we have to say they got it with a little help from us.
No I am not talking money but family values. Little things like:
-helping with the meals and dishes and outdoor chores
-helping with homework when all seems lost by the younger member
-being honest with the old girl, me and their brothers and sisters
-giving a little of one's self...like helping a friend or family member in sports, school...etc.
Our children are doing their own thing, flying/flew military, bush, commercial and now Air Force Reserve. (Rotary and Fixed Wing)
They have values they have set for our grandchildren which seem to have been learned during their years living at home.
But what about our grandchildren, heck, what about some of you I would like to leave some food for thought with.
We do not have a Current License as we did not renew our medical this year.
The last couple of years we have been aviating with a current pilot either family or friend...that rules out taking them up in a two seat bugs masher but does not rule out a four seater.
That leaves some of you folks out as well...
I can't put them on my knee and tell them a tall flying tale...they are getting way to big.
The other weekend my one grandson not even twelve years old yet shook my hand when leaving instead of the usual hug...boy did that hurt this old retired rocking chair flying geezer.
Well that leaves you folks out also...
So all I got is the little knowledge I have about life, marriage, family and flying that I can pass on to them and perhaps you.
Well something like this:
-stay in school and get the most education you can
-do not be afraid of looking at the options the Military Offers
-ask questions and get the answers you expect
-be honest with yourself....most important....if the first or second flying lessons make you uncomfortable with several different instructors then find another career or hobby. Perhaps like FSX and Simviation.
-do not second guess yourself...you were probably right the first time
-keep your friends close...but...your enemies closer...you will be surprised where help comes from sometimes
-involve your family in all that you do, work and play
there is nothing worse than a parent burying a child they never got to know
-smile...it takes less facial muscles to smile than it does to frown
-know your own limitations...very important...if it does not look or feel right to go flying then don't OR better still grab a current Flight Instructor and then go up...see for yourself but tell him/her what decision you had made and why you want him/her to go with you...
Just something I wanted to type out, nothing serious, but I see many of you going for your Aviators License. Asking questions and applying to different colleges and universities which is wonderful.
Wishing you all the best of luck and if anyone tells you there is no hope for this younger generation you just refer them to me.
I know a Marine here who has lots of friends....