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› VFR Scenery and other help needed!
(Moderators: Mitch., Fly2e, ozzy72, beaky, Clipper, JBaymore, Bob70, BigTruck)
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VFR Scenery and other help needed! (Read 354 times)
Mar 20
, 2012 at 7:04pm
I Love Simviation.
Compton, CA
Posts: 36
Let's say I bought VFR scenery for all of England and Wales. If I bought VFR scenery for London (London X) would it mess up my game?
I don't see why they don't sell VFR scenery for continents or countries.
Oh and ONE MORE THING: If I bought VFR scenery for all of England and Wales and then I installed Ground Environment X, Real Environment X and Ultimate Terrain X all for Europe, would it just completely mess up my game?
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Reply #1 -
Mar 20
, 2012 at 8:45pm
Posts: 675
that'd be one of those Try it and see things, test it out , find out, a lot will depend on your computers system, as to being able to handle some of the add on's, and loading up, such as CPU, Video Graphics card, how much RAM you have, and how good all those add on' graphics are gonna take to load up to get the effect you desire, all depends on your computer and O.S. ( Operating System - XP, VISTA , 7 etc) , be sure to read those products as to what operating system they were originally designed under when they were 1st made, some of these add on VFR scenery add on's are getting quite old now, by as much as 5 to 7 years, way before Windows 7 was ever out. Try it and see , test it out,, bout all you can do, Trail & Error , everybodys system is different and set up different, so others might not have a problem, in some areas with those particular add on's , others, will might have issues - depending on their flight sim and computers operating system.
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Reply #2 -
Mar 21
, 2012 at 12:17am
The best safety device
is the pilot
Posts: 310
Trial and error probably will be the only way.
If it doesn't work out, you could try changing the priority of the different scenery packages in the scenery library. as a general rule put the more specific scenery (e.g. London) on top of the list.
Flightsim Addons for Tasmania and Beyond
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