February Aircraft Repainting Competion
Well, Since I didn't really get a yes or a no from the moderators and/or administrators on this competition, but got plenty of good feedback from members on it, I decided to go ahead and make it. So, for any moderators and/or administrators, if this competition isn't allowed or something, please let me know and take it down.
Well, this month's repainting contest will be for:
"The Piper J-3 Cub. A wonderful little gem of an aircraft that allowed many people to become pilots who, if not for the Cub's low cost, might not have been able to afford to be a pilot. A great aircraft beloved by many, it's got to be one of the best possible choices for this season of love."
The last day for submissions is Saturday, February 25, 2012 at 11:59PM EST
The General Outline and Rules
1. This is a contest to see who can create the best repaint for the theme stated for each contest within the alotted time given for the contest.
2. Only default and freeware aircraft may be used! This helps keep the contest balanced, since payware can occaisionly higher quality textures than some freeware, and can also be easier to understand.
3. You can enter as many entrys as you like for the contest, but only one is required. The more freeware Simviation has, the better! Now, even though you are able to submit multiple entrys, please keep in mind that all entrys should be CONTEST QUALITY. Just doing a slipshod job on a paint will make it look not very good. This contest is based on QUALITY, not quantity. All entrys will be treated as seperate submissions, and voting will be done by each seperate paint, not by person who created the paints.
4. To be elligable, a repaint must meet these requirements:
a. The repaint must be uploaded to Simviation! This means it must be ON THE SITE by the end of the contest!
b. The repaint must be within the ranges of the month's theme!
c. The repaint must be for a freeware or default aircraft.
d. It must be for any simgle one or multiple of the following sims: FSX, FS2004, FS2002, FS2000, FS98
e. Proper credit must be included for the creators of the aircraft, and of any paintkit(s) used!
f. Keep it appropriate! The repaint must NOT be in any way insulting or offensive to anyone. We don't want any issues here!
g. It have been submitted within the running time of the contest. Any earlier paints will not be accepted! Only ones made specifically for the
h. When submitted, the
'submitted by:' must be your EXACT username.
5. To submit, simply put a post in this topic with the following:
a. The title of the paint.
b. A photo without the [/img] and [img] tags, to be used to help bring out the beauty of the paint and for the voting stage.
c. A link to the paint on simviation.
d. If the aircraft is downloaded freeware, a link to the original aircraft.
6. When the contest is over, and all the repaints have been checked, a voting topic will appear and voting will begin on what the best paint is!
Voting will last until the end of the month of the current contest.
7. Sorry to say, but there is no prize for the winner except the wonderful knowing that you had the best paint for that topic. Pat yourself on the
back and celebrate. You're one heck of a repainter!
Failure to comply with any of those rules will result in disqualification of that repaint from the contest!
If anyone has ANY questions at all, PLEASE ASK! Be it by PM, post, whatever, JUST ASK!