And here she is!
I took these after a short circuit flight around Manchester airport. It was pretty exciting considering I was learning how on earth to work her on the fly. Luckily she's pretty much the same as any other payware Boeing from her generation so I managed to get her down. Although there was almost a brown trouser moment when she appeared to be slowing down a lot slower than I thought she would! The shots were taken where she stopped good job Manchester has a displaced threshold otherwise I'd be in the bushes!
So far I am pretty impressed! And I've had no frame rate issues at all if anything she's much more friendly than my CS767 but to be honest I was expecting the VC to be much higher quality texture wise, the CS767 VC is much prettier but I bought the PMDG747 for her realism and systems not for eye candy.
Also the airport is the first payware scenery I've baught UK2000's EGCC. The level of detail is out of this world and yet it doesn't effect frame rates at all! It must be some sort of magic!