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PMDG 737-800 NGX, GPS Panel (Read 6710 times)
Jan 2nd, 2012 at 4:50pm

ToFlyToServe   Offline
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How can I get the GPS panel as default in default aircraft, as there is no Garmin GPS when switching through the 737 NGX panels?
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Reply #1 - Jan 3rd, 2012 at 2:39am

ToFlyToServe   Offline
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anyone understand what I mean? lol
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Reply #2 - Jan 3rd, 2012 at 5:28am
Faildozer.   Ex Member

There's no point buying a payware aircraft that accurately models the 737s systems if you just revert to the unrealistic default GPS. Learn how to use the FMS and nav displays by reading the manuals.
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Reply #3 - Jan 3rd, 2012 at 9:47am

ToFlyToServe   Offline
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Can it be done though? as I am currently learning to use the FMS but younger son likes to play the game and gets put off by all the instruments so would like for him to follow a way path via GPS.
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Reply #4 - Jan 3rd, 2012 at 11:20am

BlackAce   Offline
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ToFlyToServe wrote on Jan 2nd, 2012 at 4:50pm:
How can I get the GPS panel as default in default aircraft, as there is no Garmin GPS when switching through the 737 NGX panels?

Firstly, you ruin the point of the aircraft.  This is the most advanced plane for FSX, and to fully utilize it, you need to know how to program the FMC.  There are a lot of good youtube videos on how to use it.  Take me,when i got my CS 767, I didn't know how to use it, by watching YouTube, and reading the manual, you can learn a lot.  Now I'm doing full ILS and know the NGX like the back of my hand.  If you also need help, go to the PMDG fourms, there also a lot of support there too.  Once you master it, its like riding a bike, you never forget.
Here are some videos: ; That's for the complete cold and dark, IRS, and FMC stuff.  Angel of Attack also does a very good video!
Hope it helps!

Lenovo Y570: Intel Core i7-2670QM Processor( 2.2GHz 1333MHz 6MB) Nvidia 555M graphics, 8GB Memory/RAM 1TB of space
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Reply #5 - Jan 3rd, 2012 at 11:34am

ToFlyToServe   Offline
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thanks i'll look into it
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Reply #6 - Jan 3rd, 2012 at 12:44pm

BlackAce   Offline
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And the reason why there is no GPS, is because PMDG does the real 737 Sims. And when you pay $70USD, its kinda saying something that its for people who want to fly like the pros.

Lenovo Y570: Intel Core i7-2670QM Processor( 2.2GHz 1333MHz 6MB) Nvidia 555M graphics, 8GB Memory/RAM 1TB of space
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Reply #7 - Jan 3rd, 2012 at 1:29pm

ToFlyToServe   Offline
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I can fly it fine, approaches are getting there, after takeoff however, its purley winging the destination and going off the default map/radio
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Reply #8 - Jan 4th, 2012 at 2:58am

ToFlyToServe   Offline
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After watching the youtube video etc, when attempting to use FMS, I could only get as far as navdata but there was no FLT PLNS? yet the attitude display was lit would this have anything to do with it?
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Reply #9 - Jan 4th, 2012 at 2:56pm

RaptorF22   Offline

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First of all, learning to use all the systems in such a realistic aircraft is well worth it, and if you have the time I'd highly recommend it.
But if you just want to have a quick flight with no fuss and a better model than the default 737, or if your son wants to fly it there is a way to get the GPS as a default panel.

First, look in the Flight Simulator X/SimObjects folder for the 737 NGX folder. Inside that there should be a folder named panel and then a file named panel.cfg. Open that up in notepad and find the ending of the entried that say [Window00] [Window01] etc. and paste this at the end replacing the XX with the next number up from the last entry. This should be accessible from the views menu in flight sim. Hopefully I didn't confuse you too much! Smiley


gauge00=fs9gps!gps_500,            0,0

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Reply #10 - Jan 4th, 2012 at 5:20pm

BlackAce   Offline
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KBOI; Boise, Idaho

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ToFlyToServe wrote on Jan 4th, 2012 at 2:58am:
After watching the youtube video etc, when attempting to use FMS, I could only get as far as navdata but there was no FLT PLNS? yet the attitude display was lit would this have anything to do with it?

Firstly, You have to align the IRS. 

Lenovo Y570: Intel Core i7-2670QM Processor( 2.2GHz 1333MHz 6MB) Nvidia 555M graphics, 8GB Memory/RAM 1TB of space
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Reply #11 - Jan 5th, 2012 at 2:52am

ToFlyToServe   Offline
I Love YaBB 2.5 AE!

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could you tell me how to do that, save me going onto youtube and downloading data from my mobile. thats costs alot
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Reply #12 - Jan 5th, 2012 at 6:59am

Manuel Seiwald   Offline
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BlackAce wrote on Jan 3rd, 2012 at 12:44pm:
And the reason why there is no GPS, is because PMDG does the real 737 Sims. And when you pay $70USD, its kinda saying something that its for people who want to fly like the pros.

Hm i fly the A320 as F/O and i have always my GPS with me...on my IPhone  Cheesy

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Reply #13 - Jan 22nd, 2012 at 3:14am

ToFlyToServe   Offline
I Love YaBB 2.5 AE!

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Does anyone have the free 737 NGX liveries they could send me via email? As I am not able to access the PMDG website for some odd reason.  I had there on it many times before, but denied access for some unreal reason?
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Reply #14 - Jan 22nd, 2012 at 10:14am

BlackAce   Offline
If it's not Boeing, I'm
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KBOI; Boise, Idaho

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Posts: 1203
ToFlyToServe wrote on Jan 22nd, 2012 at 3:14am:
Does anyone have the free 737 NGX liveries they could send me via email? As I am not able to access the PMDG website for some odd reason.  I had there on it many times before, but denied access for some unreal reason?

Lenovo Y570: Intel Core i7-2670QM Processor( 2.2GHz 1333MHz 6MB) Nvidia 555M graphics, 8GB Memory/RAM 1TB of space
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