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vroute or fs comander (Read 303 times)
Jan 1st, 2012 at 1:12pm

RC1977   Offline
Fly FS

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Posts: 89
I purchase the Ifly 737 and now im looking in to buy a program to make my fligh plans,now im undecided in with one is better
Should i get the vroute or the Flightsim commander? Undecided
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Reply #1 - Jan 1st, 2012 at 11:40pm

BlackAce   Offline
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KBOI; Boise, Idaho

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You can use the default, and plug the VORs into the FMC.  I have the PMDG NGX and I use the default and just plug in the VORs

Lenovo Y570: Intel Core i7-2670QM Processor( 2.2GHz 1333MHz 6MB) Nvidia 555M graphics, 8GB Memory/RAM 1TB of space
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Reply #2 - Jan 15th, 2012 at 5:43pm

JBaymore   Offline
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I have fs commander and love it.  Can't do the comparison... don't use the other one.



... ...Intel i7 960 quad 3.2G LGA 1366, Asus P6X58D Premium, 750W Corsair, 6 gig 1600 DDR3, Spinpoint 1TB 7200 HD, Caviar 500G 7200 HD, GTX275 1280M,  Logitec Z640, Win7 Pro 64b, CH Products yoke, pedals + throttle quad, simpit
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