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Help with Wilco Airbus A320!! (Read 488 times)
Dec 26th, 2011 at 4:06pm

tcco94   Offline
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Bay Area, California

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Posts: 4241
Well I spend most my time in an iFly 737 or Level-D 767 and we all know how amazing those add-ons are. I mostly fly the A320 alot also (Project Airbus) but was getting tired of freeware quality A320 when I was so use to payware. So I decided to do some research and bought one of the only A320 models out there that seemed good (Avsim review) the Wilco Airbus Evo Vol. 1 for FSX. I wanted AirSimmer but it isn't released yet for FSX.

Well after sitting at my computer for about 5 hours yesterday I finally got the bird starting up from Cold & Dark and on the runway for takeoff. This is when everything went wrong. I didn't realize how difficult Fly by Wire was until now. I don't like my airplanes to all fly themselves so with my 767 and 737, I'll always control the altitude and speed and the FMC just follows the route I tell it too. I never have the FMC programed for speeds and altitude at certain waypoints. I assumed I could do this with the Airbus but I was mistaken.

I sorta figured out how to control the altitude and speed throughout the flight and just have the FMC fly the route like usual but when I plan to make my approach that's when it goes nuts? First of all I thought the FMC would automatically program the plane with the course heading and nav 1 frequency so all I had to do was be on the right glideslope and switch over to APPR for my ILS approach but that doesn't seem to work at ALL.

Before I decided to delete this plane and dwell about how I just wasted $40, I thought I'd go to the internet for some help on how to fly this damn thing! Mostly the ILS approach because the Manual that Wilco included is absolutely HORRIBLE! It will tell me how the Airbus operates and what you have to do for certain things but it won't tell you how to do it in the sim ?

Any help would be much appreciated!!

Thanks.  Cool
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Reply #1 - Dec 27th, 2011 at 11:18am

BlackAce   Offline
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KBOI; Boise, Idaho

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You should have got the Aerosoft Airbus X, I don't know the the Wilco system that well, so try editing the Aircraft.CFG

Lenovo Y570: Intel Core i7-2670QM Processor( 2.2GHz 1333MHz 6MB) Nvidia 555M graphics, 8GB Memory/RAM 1TB of space
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Reply #2 - Dec 28th, 2011 at 3:51pm
Dave71k   Ex Member

The problem is your trying to do something that is literally never done. Commercial airliners never cruise under manual control it's just not done. It's always under strict FMC controlled flight. 
I would suggest going back to your Level D 767 and learning to use it's FMC properly then try the airbus again. From my experience most FMC/FMS etc are very similar.

From my eperience ILS approaches work pretty much the same regardless of the FMC state. For example with the QW757,CapSim767 and Feelthere ERJ195 you just enter the ILS frequence in to Nav one and it will display the glide slope if your correctly positioned.

The whole point of the Airbus a3xx series was to be nearly 90% automated so it's really  not a pilots aircraft. They were designed to require pilots input for rotation and that's about it. The FMC/Fly By Wire combo pretty much takes the pilot out of the equation.

To be honest it is the way of the airlines these days, all modern Boeing aircraft (777 onwards) are fly by wire and FMC controlled.

Maybe you should get a Capsim 707/727 or something along those lines?
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Reply #3 - Dec 28th, 2011 at 6:08pm

tcco94   Offline
Go Avs!
Bay Area, California

Gender: male
Posts: 4241
I'm not trying to fly under strict FAA/Commercial Airliner rules. As far as manually flying the altitude and speed, I know it can be done because that's the only way I like to fly. I was just posting to get help with the problem's I had, not look into flying planes from the 60's.  Wink
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Reply #4 - Jan 5th, 2012 at 6:52am

Manuel Seiwald   Offline
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Hey, I'm not sure what exactly you are expecting the airbus to do but you can ofcourse enter the speed and altitude manually.
Just leave managed Mode by right clicking on the knobs for speed and altitude....for climb / descent you can use V/S.

During Approach i'm Not sure what happened there it should work. What you should check in the FMGC before reaching the Final Approach Fix.
1. You have selected the correct Runway and Arrival
2. Look on the Perf page if Approach Phase was activated. Else you'll have to Click the lowest LSK twice in order to do it manually.
3. On the MCP click the APP Button and activate the 2nd Autopilot.

But anyway it's Not the Way the Airbus should be operated. I'm FO on this bird on we usually let it fly in Managed Mode if there are no Special things required by ATC. The Airbus was designed for automatic Operation. So it would be best if you just accept that fact and learn to fly with all Managed Mode. It's not that hard actually. Cool

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