G'day guys,
I recently downloaded corrected light coordinates for the default 777 - which fixes the cockpit lighting spilling oustide the fuselage and puts the wing lights (nav/white/strobe) in their correct spot.
Just curious - the white lights that are half way along the leading edge of the horozontal stabiliser are annoying, don't seem to be realistic and I can't seem the get rid of them - they don't seem to be in the "lights" section of the aircraft config becuase I've tested them - I could have that wrong though...
Here is the copied light section:
[LIGHTS] //Types: 1=beacon, 2=strobe, 3=navigation, 4=cockpit, 5=landing light.0=3, -49.00,-103.52, 11.38, fx_navredh , light.1=3, -49.00, 103.52, 11.38, fx_navgreh , light.2=3, -56.5,-103.64, 11.38, fx_navwhi , light.3=3, -56.5, 103.64, 11.38, fx_navwhi , light.4=3,-138.50, 0.00, 8.43, fx_navwhi , light.5=2, -51.00,-103.40, 11.38, fx_strobeh , light.6=2, -51.00, 103.40, 11.38, fx_strobeh , light.7=1, -5.00, 0.00, -6.18, fx_beaconb , light.8=1, 25.00, 0.00, 18.18, fx_beaconh , light.9=4, 87.00, 0.00, 8.75, fx_vclighth , light.10=4, 90.00, -1.00, 7.0, fx_vclighth, light.11=4, 90.00, 1.00, 7.0, fx_vclighth, light.12=2,-138.50, 0.00, 13.6, fx_strobe,
I can't seem to see the horozontal stab lights here - are they somewhere else?
Cheers Stew
FS9 - the only way you can fly a 747 while drinking beer
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