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› PAD CL604 wont load
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PAD CL604 wont load (Read 684 times)
Jul 10
, 2011 at 1:29pm
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Posts: 318
Aircraft installs ok and shows up in the list but when you select fly now it wont load and an error message appears.However by selecting a different aircraft and loading it in so it appears at a runway and then going to "Select Aircraft" and calling up the cl604 it appears normally. Had this problem once before a few years ago but cant remember the cure.
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Reply #1 -
Jul 10
, 2011 at 2:38pm
Let's get a little mud
on the tires!
KCHS, Charleston, SC, USA
Posts: 1958
what was the error message that you get? so that we know what we are dealing with...
also, where did you get the craft from?? Provide a link.
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Computer Specs:: Acer Aspire Laptop..Win7 Home Premium 64-bit (sp1), AMD Athlon II X2 P340 (Dual Core) [2.2 Ghz], ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4250 (256mb), 4GB DDR3......FS9.1(sp3) / FSX (sp2)..... Ultimate Terrain X, Ground Environment X, REX, FTX ORBX PNW-PFJ-NRM-CRM, OZx, Tongass Fjords, Misty Moorings
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Reply #2 -
Jul 10
, 2011 at 2:49pm
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Posts: 318
I remembered what the fix was. I put in a panel from another PAD aircraft not the 604 and all is now okay.Would have preferred to use the supplied panel but I don't have the computer smarts for that.
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Reply #3 -
Jul 10
, 2011 at 3:56pm
Let's get a little mud
on the tires!
KCHS, Charleston, SC, USA
Posts: 1958
again. where did you get the aircraft???? Maybe someone else can download, figure out what the problem is, and then tell you what you need to do to use the original panel.
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Computer Specs:: Acer Aspire Laptop..Win7 Home Premium 64-bit (sp1), AMD Athlon II X2 P340 (Dual Core) [2.2 Ghz], ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4250 (256mb), 4GB DDR3......FS9.1(sp3) / FSX (sp2)..... Ultimate Terrain X, Ground Environment X, REX, FTX ORBX PNW-PFJ-NRM-CRM, OZx, Tongass Fjords, Misty Moorings
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Reply #4 -
Jul 10
, 2011 at 7:30pm
Better to give than receive.
Posts: 582
Since the title of the thread is "
CL604 wont load" it is safe to assume the OP is referring to the Premier Aircraft Design CL604.
Did you use the FSX model or the FS9 model?
The FSX model is available here-
If you are having troubles with one of these, can you tell us which one?
Or better yet, have you asked PAD?
Don't argue with idiots, they drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Reply #5 -
Jul 10
, 2011 at 10:28pm
Let's get a little mud
on the tires!
KCHS, Charleston, SC, USA
Posts: 1958
i did take it as the PAD from that site, and i went and downloaded the Bombardier/Canadair CL-604 . Although i did get a few FS9 gauge warnings (GPWS and a couple others) everything loaded just fine.
even the 2d and VC that the plane came with which looks a lot like the Lear 45 panel works just fine.
upon inspection, the FSX version that I downloaded {the top one --
}, is indeed nothing more than an FS9 port-over ( although checking the panel through FS9X PANEL STUDIO finds all gauges are FS9, and some FS2002 )
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Computer Specs:: Acer Aspire Laptop..Win7 Home Premium 64-bit (sp1), AMD Athlon II X2 P340 (Dual Core) [2.2 Ghz], ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4250 (256mb), 4GB DDR3......FS9.1(sp3) / FSX (sp2)..... Ultimate Terrain X, Ground Environment X, REX, FTX ORBX PNW-PFJ-NRM-CRM, OZx, Tongass Fjords, Misty Moorings
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Reply #6 -
Jul 11
, 2011 at 9:17am
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Posts: 318
Yes it is from PAD the fsx version. It was downloaded from their site.When fly now is selected the loading texture appears but nothing happens then the error message appears. I tried all the 604's for fsx same problem.What I did not try was starting from a different airport. My starting point was rwy 24 at CYTR. Maybe that has something to do with it. Will reinstall the original panel and try it.
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Reply #7 -
Jul 11
, 2011 at 9:35am
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Posts: 318
Tried again different airport same problem. I don't know how to get the error message copied so I can send it here.But for sure its something in the fsx panel my computer does not like.
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Reply #8 -
Jul 11
, 2011 at 10:42am
Better to give than receive.
Posts: 582
If the error message is the same as the one on the left in the pic below, go ahead and click on "Run".
You will then see the message on the right, click on "Yes".
This is common when loading planes with gauges from earlier sim versions and you only have to do it the first time you load the plane.
Don't argue with idiots, they drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Reply #9 -
Jul 11
, 2011 at 5:17pm
Let's get a little mud
on the tires!
KCHS, Charleston, SC, USA
Posts: 1958
i did notice when i hit FLY NOW, that the simulator did take an extremely long time to load which is generally uncommon, usually it only takes 10-15 seconds to load up, but for whatever reason with this craft it takes in the neighborhood of 1 min!!! so yes, for me, there is a problem 'there'.
will keep searching for a possible answer though.
The thoughts and expressions contained in the post above are solely my own, and not necessarily those of, its Moderators, its Staff, its Members, or other guests. They can not, are not, and will not be held liable for any thoughts, or expressions, or posts that I have made, or will make in the future.
Computer Specs:: Acer Aspire Laptop..Win7 Home Premium 64-bit (sp1), AMD Athlon II X2 P340 (Dual Core) [2.2 Ghz], ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4250 (256mb), 4GB DDR3......FS9.1(sp3) / FSX (sp2)..... Ultimate Terrain X, Ground Environment X, REX, FTX ORBX PNW-PFJ-NRM-CRM, OZx, Tongass Fjords, Misty Moorings
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