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Is there a way to adjust the trim setting? (Read 290 times)
Jun 27th, 2011 at 8:57am

Mr._Ryan   Offline
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Posts: 141
I have the X-52 joystick/throttle combo, and one of the realism problems I'm finding is that to adjust the trim of the plane in a meaningful manner (I fly 172's, Cherokees, etc.) is that you have to hit the trim up or trim down buttons 50 times. I wish you could set it so that one pressing of the trim button in either direction would be the equivalent of a half turn of the ceiling trim handle in the old Cherokees (like from 12 o'clock to 6 o'clock).

I'm just finding that you have to hit the button literally 10-15 times to get the trim to change and there's just absolutely no feel to it like that. Is there a way to change the setting?

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Reply #1 - Jun 27th, 2011 at 9:24am

Hagar   Offline
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I believe the X-52 has similar features to my old X-36 combo. You can assign the trim to the rotary controls on the throttle. I found this realistic & easy to use.


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Reply #2 - Jun 27th, 2011 at 10:00am

dave3cu   Offline
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you have to hit the trim up or trim down buttons 50 times

In the Settings-Controls window, once you have assigned joystick buttons a slider should appear in the Repeat column. Move the slider to the right. You can then simply hold down the button as long as needed. You still watch the trim indicator but you soon get the 'feel'.

« Last Edit: Jun 27th, 2011 at 12:53pm by dave3cu »  

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