The 2-33 finally got its new paint job on the wings finished last week, and the club gathered Saturday to put the old girl back together. Not a bad day for some flying, so Gus took her for three test hops, then I got my turn.
Somewhat gusty crosswind conditions, and the thermals were a little tight and fragmented, especially for a very rusty pilot. I basically gave up after about 20 minutes, but did a decent job with the landing.
We have a new member, all of 13 years old... he took his first lesson with Gus, then a squall moved in, drenching the field, so we called it a day.
Art the tow pilot said he might be around Sunday, so I went back to the airport, waited for him to show up, and managed to get one tow in the 1-26. I did a little better that time-about 30 minutes- and even managed to get back up to my release altitude at one point. But I was really feeling the rust with that glider- I still don't feel 100% comfortable with it.
Doesn't matter, though- it was great to just fly again, and the rest of the season awaits!