jgf wrote on Apr 10
th, 2011 at 12:19pm:
Thanks for the heads up on this. Unfortunately I couldn't install the aircraft. About five seconds into the install it asks for my login data for the CLS website - I am not registered there so have no such data; this also got a rise from my firewall telling me the installer was trying to access the internet. Then I couldn't shut down the installer, so called up task manager, which didn't work; tried "end process", didn't work. Had to restart windows to get out of this.
In order to get this free aircraft you do have to follow
all of the instructions, including the creation of a free account at the CLS site.
It may not be worth all the trouble as I have been given to understand that this was the one and only GA offerring that CLS has done - and while "nice", it is pretty basic.
FYI - I did follow the entire procedure and was able to DL and install (using the registration key which was sent via e-mail) with no issues.
Just my recent experience.