If you've used TTools before, re-reading the help file (Readme.htm) should put you back on track. It's a matter of creating the 3 necessary .txt files (Aircraft*/Airports*/Flightplans*) and complile with TTools.
A good program is AI Flight Planner available here:
http://members.shaw.ca/aifp/ No .txt files to create. Input is in a Windows style GUI, using menus and mostly point and click. It compiles in either FS2004 or FSX format.
Are you creating for FS2004 or FSX?
TTools compiles the traffic (bgl) file in FS2004 format. FSX will use FS2004 format but will then disregard all FSX formatted traffic files. To keep all your current FSX traffic you have to convert your TTools traffic files. AI Flight Planner can convert traffic files.
At that time [1909] the chief engineer was almost always the chief test pilot as well. That had the fortunate result of eliminating poor engineering early in aviation. Igor Sikorsky
I intend to live forever....so far, so good. Steven Wright
You know....you can just rip up a to-do list.