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To All Veterans: (Read 567 times)
Nov 11th, 2010 at 12:42pm

Dirtman   Offline
Rabid Enthusiast / Plane
Toronto Canada

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Posts: 40
November 11 - Remembrance Day in Canada

Please take a few minutes from your busy day to remember and pay your respects, not only to the brave Men and Women of Our Armed Forces; but also to the Armed Forces of ALL FREE NATIONS.

Remember those who have fought and stood guard for us, to protect our freedom. And especially those brave souls who have made the ultimate sacrifice and have given their lives so that we may be free.

We owe it to ALL of them -

Please watch this video:
"A Pittance of Time"
by Terry Kelly (5m 08s)

Although a Canadian production (1999); it is meant to Honour the Armed Forces of All Nations.

I hope you all find it as moving as I do.

My Personal and Humble Thanks; to each and every one of you.
Many are now gone - none will ever be forgotten.

- Tom
(aka - Dirtman)

CFS2 Fulfills my need to "peacefully" blow things up
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Reply #1 - Nov 11th, 2010 at 2:42pm

hellcat-44   Offline
tears over ashes

Gender: male
Posts: 135
Thanks for that Dirt!
I've never quite undertood the rules on Simviation. Linking to another site can result in being banned?,,,or is it another sim site???

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Reply #2 - Nov 11th, 2010 at 3:14pm

Hagar   Offline
My Spitfire Girl
Costa Geriatrica

Posts: 33159
hellcat-44 wrote on Nov 11th, 2010 at 2:42pm:
I've never quite undertood the rules on Simviation. Linking to another site can result in being banned?,,,or is it another sim site???

This means not posting direct links on other websites or forums to images uploaded to the Simviation server. It's to prevent Simviation being used as an image bank. The same rules apply on other forums & image hosting sites like Photobucket. 


Founder & Sole Member - Grumpy's Over the Hill Club for Veteran Virtual Aviators
Member of the Fox Four Group

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Reply #3 - Nov 11th, 2010 at 3:52pm

hellcat-44   Offline
tears over ashes

Gender: male
Posts: 135
Thanks for the clarification!  Smiley

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Reply #4 - Nov 11th, 2010 at 4:36pm

Dirtman   Offline
Rabid Enthusiast / Plane
Toronto Canada

Gender: male
Posts: 40
Yo Hagar;

Just a bit more info if you please.

There is a thread in this forum: "Warp issue".

This is also being discussed concurrently at the SOH CFS2 forum.
As Tango figured this out and posted a very complete explanation; I have placed a link to it from there to here.

- Have I broken the rules?

- Would it have been better to just copy the section of the post & paste it there? (with full credit to Tango & SimV)

- should I undo what I have done? (not a problem)

- should I drink less beer before posting in the future?

- must I now buy rounds for everyone at the "O" club tonight?

- do I ask too many stupid questions? (I'll blame this on Collin)

Thanks for your time;


CFS2 Fulfills my need to "peacefully" blow things up
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Reply #5 - Nov 11th, 2010 at 4:43pm

Hagar   Offline
My Spitfire Girl
Costa Geriatrica

Posts: 33159
Hi Dirtman. As far as I know there is no reason you can't post a link to any topic on this forum. The rule hellcat-44 mentioned only applies to direct links to images hosted on the Simviation server.


Founder & Sole Member - Grumpy's Over the Hill Club for Veteran Virtual Aviators
Member of the Fox Four Group

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Reply #6 - Nov 11th, 2010 at 5:33pm

Dirtman   Offline
Rabid Enthusiast / Plane
Toronto Canada

Gender: male
Posts: 40
Roger that; Thanx Hagar for the speedy reply!  Wink

CFS2 Fulfills my need to "peacefully" blow things up
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