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707 HJG=707 CS??? (Read 729 times)
Jun 4th, 2010 at 7:29pm

nicmos   Offline
2nd Lieutenant
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the 707 textures in the HJG are compatible with the Captain Simi 707??? Tongue
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Reply #1 - Jun 9th, 2010 at 11:56pm

Mark_C   Offline
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

Posts: 175
I've never had the CS B707 product to verify this .... but .... I wouldn't think they're compatible at all .... since our/HJG B707's are entirely different models and the texture mapping on these must surely be quite different to that of the CS product.

Mark C
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Reply #2 - Jun 10th, 2010 at 3:30am

garryrussell   Offline

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Posts: 677

You are making a stement but ending it with question marks

Are you asking if?? or saying they are Huh

As Mark says they won't be compatable as the two models would have to be the same model and mapped the same......only occuring if one model maker supplied a common base model to both.

The models in this case are not related in any way.

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Reply #3 - Jun 10th, 2010 at 9:17am

ozzy72   Offline
Global Moderator
Pretty scary huh?

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Different models will be compatible with different textures/skins. Personally I rate the 707 by Alrot or the HJG 707 as the best out there and with the best skins Wink

There are two types of aeroplane, Spitfires and everything else that wishes it was a Spitfire!
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Reply #4 - Jun 10th, 2010 at 5:58pm

zacharace   Offline
Bexley, OH, USA � �KCMH

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garryrussell wrote on Jun 10th, 2010 at 3:30am:

You are making a stement but ending it with question marks

Are you asking if?? or saying they are Huh

I'd assume the latter, with the question marks providing emphasis. "Whaaaaaaaaaaaat they aren't compatible???????"  Wink

But yeah, OP, as others here have stated (couldn't resist), there would be no basis for compatible textures between the two different models in the first place.
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Reply #5 - Jun 10th, 2010 at 6:09pm

Mark_C   Offline
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

Posts: 175
You are making a stement but ending it with question marks

Are you asking if?? or saying they are

Actually .... that's quite a common anomally in cases where English isn't one's first language Smiley

I interpret/assume "NICMOS to be asking .... Are HJG B707 textures compatible with the CS B707 model ?

I rate the 707 by Alrot or the HJG 707 as the best out there and with the best skins

The HJG B707 product primarily score over the CS B707 product .... is in the "VARIETY" we/HJG offer in respect of B707/720/C135 class aircraft.

As I'm sure Garry will agree with me .... there is no such thing as a standard B707 type model .... any more than there's a standard VISCOUNT, DC9 or any other class of aircraft type model.

All of these aircraft type models feature significant differences between them.

We/HJG are very lucky (and the FS community benefits) in this repect and for the following reasons ....

1. Gary CARLSON, our/HJG B707 projects manager, has worked on B707 airframes throughought all of his aviation career. Few people know/understand the these aircraft better or as intimately as he does .... and which is why HJG offer a total of some 30 different 3D B707 model/structural conigurations for covering each of the several sub-variants of these aircraft ....from the earliest B367-80 through to the B707-700 .... and almost as many different variations again in relation to the military C135 series aircraft. That's quite a collection .... which, so far as I'm aware, is unsurpassed in FS.

2. Thanks to my colleague George CARTY .... we/HJG offer some 19 different B707 panel configurations featuring a varirty of differeing instrument standards, and in particular featuring engine instruments calibrated to reflect the known performance parameters of each the various engine types attached to these aircraft .... ranging from early turbojets to fanjets as well as the later more recent turbofan series engines too. These panels have also undergone .... and continue to undergo .... constant revisions and improvements as well. Again .... the HJG B707 panel series is unsurpassed in FS thanks to the efforts and dedication of George CARTY.

3. No two aircraft .... even of the same class .... really fly in the same way (which is partly why pilots often need to be type rated) and through constant FDE improvemets, based on actual AOM data, such performance variations as apply to each of the different sub-versions of these aircraft is another feature that we/HJG have been able to successsfully incorporate into our B707 simulations .... restricted only by the limitations of our own expertise as well as certain bounderies imposed by FS itself !

4. Our/HJG B707's are also supported by quite a collection of audio (by "AEROMUSICA") representing each of the major classes of engine types use on B707 aircraft.

In short and without trying to blow our own trumpet .... the HJG B707 product is one hell of a package .... and best of all .... it's "FREE" Smiley

The CS B707 product scores over the HJG B707 project in respect of the VC panel which it apparently features .... and which is precisely what we/HJG can't offer ! Cry

However .... so far as I'm aware .... the CS B707 VC panel represents 1 only panel configuration for these aircraft rather than the mutitude of aircraft class and period specific B707 panels offered by HJG.

And that's abiut "IT" in a nut shell folks ! Smiley

The choice is entirely "YOURS" .... of course ! Wink

Mark C
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