For step-by-step directions:
The aircraft model must be compiled using the FSX SDK. The merge will NOT work if this is not the case. But how to tell?
1. Open the model folder of the plane in question.
2. Inside you will see a file (for example "737.mdl") Open Notepad and drag the .mdl file into it.
3. After some seconds a whole bunch of stuff will appear. don't worry we are only interested in the start of the text on the first line.
4. This is from Phil Taylors blog that explains the rest :
Quote:To determine if a model was built with the FSX SDK, use a file viewer or hex editor to look at the file. Near the beginning of the file, you should see the characters "MDLXMDLH" if it's an FSX model. An FS2002/2004 model will show "MDL8MDLH"
Now that we have gotten that out of the way lets do a merge using a Posky 737NG as an example. We will use the 737-600. You might already have the Posky 737-600 in your FS9 folder.
Part 1: Updating the FS9 Model
1. Copy the 737-600 folder into FSX\Simobjects\Airplanes
2. Delete the panel & model folders.
3. Now you need to go to the Posky website and download the updated 737-600 model for FSX.
4. We will use the Standard Model in this example which is named FSX)Standard Model Update 2 (OSX736)
5. Here is the download page: Download that model file and cut-paste the model folder into the 737-600 folder.
Part 2: The Panel Merge with default VC
1. Copy-paste the panel folder from the default 737-800 into the Posky 737-600 folder.
2. Copy-paste the folder named texture from the default 737-800 folder into the Posky 737-600 folder**
3. Open the model folder of the default 737-800.
4. Select B737_800_interior.mdl and paste it into the model folder of the Posky 737-600
**You might already have a folder called "texture" if you do you will have to rename it. This will affect the paint its calling so don't forget to update the aircraft.cfg!
So now your Posky 737-600 model folder should contain this:
5. Open the model.cfg file in the Posky 737-600. You should see this:
We are going to add a line (shown in bold red below):
6. Save the modified .cfg and exit
7. Open the folder named texture in the Posky 737-600 folder - (see Part 2, Step 2 above)
8. Inside this folder you will see a texture.cfg file - if you open it you will see this:
fallback.3=..\..\..\..\..\..\Scenery\Global\textur e [/quote]
If you see the above when you open it you have the right file! Ok now close it (if you opened it to have a look!)
9. Paste this texture.cfg into EVERY 737-600 repaint you have. For example:
texture.SAS <----- put the texture.cfg in here
texture.westjet <----- put the texture.cfg in here
Basically this texture.cfg "tells" every repaint to look at the file named texture. The "texture" folder contains all the references the VC needs!
You are done. Your Posky 737-600 will now have the default FSX VC! You can do this with all of Poskys 737NG models. And of course any other 737 you find. Follow the same procedure for other plane types! Perhaps you found a freeware FSX 747-400 and want to give it the default 747-400 VC?
An issue I notice is that the VC viewpoint is way off so you will have to use the keyboard commands to move back into the cockpit! I think an aircraft.cfg tweak (eyepoint=) can fix this.