Welcome to the "Replicate This" Screenshot Contest! So, here's the scoop:
I realize that our first contest attempt didn't go well, as the shot was just impossible to replicate. This one should be a little easier. (A lot easier for some)
Your goal in this contest is to look at the following picture and then replicate it using flight simulator. Here it is:
Click here!Photo by Hartsfield Photography
American Airlines MD-83
1. You may edit the screenshot.
2. Payware is allowed.
3. Be serious! Don't enter a shot that isn't even close.
4. You may either post a link in this thread to your picture, or use img insert code. Remember, you must upload your shot to SimV.
5. Only one entry per member!
This contest will last from April 16 to April 28. Then a poll will be set up for the shots submitted.
Well, good luck to all! Stop reading this and go be creative!