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vasi and fsrecorder (Read 300 times)
Apr 14th, 2010 at 8:21am

EVVFCX   Offline
Been there done it-well
most of it.
Pontefract, West Yorkshire

Gender: male
Posts: 499
Hiya everybody,

Is it possible to get fsrecorder to display the vasi correctly during a replay, it only shows it right from cockpit view, was a smart%rse comment from work colleague that made me think about it, from the external view the vasi shows as being too high on the approach.

I think it's all relative to where your spot view is.



May the Mynd be with you.
So far my number of landings either passenger or pilot equal my number of takeoffs, but that is due to change Smiley
13/07/11 Passed BMFA Fixed Wing 'A' test.
FSX Gold
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Reply #1 - Apr 14th, 2010 at 2:27pm

Romflyer   Offline

Gender: male
Posts: 365
EVVFCX wrote on Apr 14th, 2010 at 8:21am:
Hiya everybody,

was a smart%rse comment from work colleague that made me think about it, from the external view the vasi shows as being too high on the approach.

I think it's all relative to where your spot view is.

I think you allready answered your collegues smart%rse remark......vasi lights are a pretty simple device that are relative to whatever angle you are looking at them from, so yes they are only showing your line of sight to the runway......from the AC, to the threshold
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Reply #2 - Apr 15th, 2010 at 12:32pm

EVVFCX   Offline
Been there done it-well
most of it.
Pontefract, West Yorkshire

Gender: male
Posts: 499
Hi Romflyer,

Thanks for that, guess I was right with my way of thinking.
I often have disagreements with this one guy about the local airport near work in Leeds.


May the Mynd be with you.
So far my number of landings either passenger or pilot equal my number of takeoffs, but that is due to change Smiley
13/07/11 Passed BMFA Fixed Wing 'A' test.
FSX Gold
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Reply #3 - Apr 16th, 2010 at 11:16am

Romflyer   Offline

Gender: male
Posts: 365
Anytime you've got an aviation based dis-agreement or discussion and you need the straight goods answer......Simv is a good place to ask.
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