Homing Pigeon
This little guy showed up at a friends place over the weekend and never left. Defiantly out of place here, wasn't till today we noticed there was a band around its right leg. Lets you get pretty close just walking by but not when your crouched down trying to get pictures
Been trying to see if I could locate its origins, didn't realize there was so many groups for them. Will have to try to get more pictures to maybe read the rest of whats on the band. So far I've pulled the year 2008 and what I think reads CO...defiantly C something. Number wise only ones I could pull from the pics was a 4, 9?, 2? 8.. 4 and 8 could be read clearly but the others kinda look like a 9 and a 2 though blurry. The way it was turned in a couple shots I would say there is likely 5 or 6 numbers.
Curious if anyone has some more information, seems perfectly healthy and happy, just not the kind of bird you normally find here.
Working on installing a screen door he just stayed put on a second floor deck joist watching us.
Even posed for a sunset shot
The little green band that holds the mystery...where did this little guy come from