This posting might be more appropriate for the Panel Design forum since I suspect that this has to do with the XML files that define the gauges.
Anyway, for those of you that have ever turned off the engines and then turned off the battery switch you have probably noticed how bad the VC main panel looks in some stock planes. Jets like the B747, B737, and lear45 look fine, but others like the CRJ-700 and A321 look terrible. The problem is that some or all the guages disappear to reveal the original graphics background. In the case of the B747, the background shows blackend CRTs (good). In the case of the B737, the gauges remain in place but are blank (also good). However, in the CRJ-700 and A321, the gauges disappear altogether and reveal the "ugly" graphics (see images below).
Is there is fix for this problem somewhere? If not, is someone here capable of doing so?
VC of B737: Gauges remain and are blank (good).
VC of A321: Most gauges are missing and those that remain are not blank (very bad).
VC of CRJ-700: Some gauges are missing but those that remain are correcly set to blank. Note the distracting graphics of the clipboard in the location of the MDF when not masked by a blank gauge.