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Aircraft Compatability: FS 2004 to FS 2002 (Read 424 times)
Mar 6th, 2010 at 12:01pm

ViperPilot   Offline

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Posts: 211

NOTE: I've also posted this in the FS 2002 forum, but thought I'd post it here as well. If this isn't the right thing to do I apologize.

I have a question to ask... I have installed a couple of aircraft that were 'FS 2002/ FS 2004' compatible, and for some reason when I load the sim, the A/C's engine(s) shut down and won't restart. Also, moving the throttle will not increase engine RPM's. Please note that prop trim/ mixture are not affected... the RPM's just won't increase on the tachometer.

Anybody ever come across this? Here is one of the A/C in question:

It's a B-17 Shark Fin (although in the description it's called a 'G' Model).

Any help & suggestions are most appreciated!


Alan� Smiley

"I created the Little Black Book to keep myself from getting killed..."
-- Captain Elrey Borge Jeppesen

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Reply #1 - Mar 7th, 2010 at 9:39am

Opa   Offline
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ViperPilot wrote on Mar 6th, 2010 at 12:01pm:

NOTE: I've also posted this in the FS 2002 forum, but thought I'd post it here as well. If this isn't the right thing to do I apologize.

I have a question to ask... I have installed a couple of aircraft that were 'FS 2002/ FS 2004' compatible, and for some reason when I load the sim, the A/C's engine(s) shut down and won't restart. Also, moving the throttle will not increase engine RPM's. Please note that prop trim/ mixture are not affected... the RPM's just won't increase on the tachometer.

Anybody ever come across this? Here is one of the A/C in question:

It's a B-17 Shark Fin (although in the description it's called a 'G' Model).

Any help & suggestions are most appreciated!


Alan� Smiley

I just downloaded and installed (into my FS2004 setup) the FAB package in question and am not experiencing the situation you have described.

The engines remain running - in fact I can shut them down and restart them using CTRL E with no problems.

By chance have you changed your default startup flight to a "cold and dark" situation? That would include the battery and avionics turned off.

If so, many of the parameters - such as the state of the battery and avionics - are passed on to whatever aircraft you decide to fly.

I see no battery or avionics switch on the FAB panel - at least none I could easily identify - so the engines would shut down etc. if those elements are not active.

Hope that might be helpful.


David "Opa" Marshall
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Reply #2 - Mar 7th, 2010 at 10:53am

Capt.Propwash   Offline
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change to the Cessna 172 Skyhawk, start the engines, and then hop back into your B17G and everything should be working fine.   When you go to shut down your sim, do not shut off the engines so that the next time you hop in a plane, the engines will be running and everything is ready to just go flying.

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Reply #3 - Mar 7th, 2010 at 2:20pm

Hagar   Offline
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Hi Alan. This aircraft appears to be a repaint of Paul Clawson's YB-17 posted here.

It was originally intended for FS9 so I suspect it has FS9 flight dynamics (AIR file & aircraft.cfg). Not sure why the "Redme" with the repaint claims it's suitable for FS2002.� If I recall correctly some of the FS9 AIR file/CFG entries are different from those in FS2002. This is probably what's causing the engine problem with the aircraft in FS2002. Sorry, I never knew what the difference was.

NOTE: I've also posted this in the FS 2002 forum, but thought I'd post it here as well. If this isn't the right thing to do I apologize.

It's purely my opinion but I think it would cause less confusion if you post FS2002 questions in the FS2002 forum. Smiley


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Reply #4 - Mar 7th, 2010 at 3:08pm

ViperPilot   Offline

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Posts: 211

Opa & the Captain: Thanks for the replies! They are much appreciated, and it's good to know the flight sim community is here to help a guy out.� Smiley

Opa: The setup I have for FS 2002 (which is the sim version I'm running) has the A/C up & running when I start the default flight; engine(s) running and all instruments live.

Capt. Propwash: I used your idea, and started the default flight with the C172. The 172 runs fine, as stated above. When I change to the B-17 in question, the A/C is on the runway with engines running, but after 5 seconds or so the engines shut down. The key assignment I have for Engine Autostart is 'E'. When I press the Autostart key, Engine 4 starts, then immediately shuts down. If I hold the 'E' key the other engines try to start, but immediately shut down as well. Just to check, I downloaded a different B-17 from another author just to see if it would operate under the same conditions; this one ran just fine (this one was created for FS 2000).

Because I have had the same difficulties with different A/C from this particular author, I'm thinking there's something in either the panel.cfg or the aircraft.cfg that won't let these aircraft operate properly in FS 2002.

Have you had similar difficulties with a particular aircraft? I'd like to figure out a way to get these A/C to function properly; they look fun to fly, and I'd like to add them to my virtual hangar. Any suggestions?

Thanks again!

Alan Smiley

"I created the Little Black Book to keep myself from getting killed..."
-- Captain Elrey Borge Jeppesen

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Reply #5 - Mar 7th, 2010 at 3:19pm

ViperPilot   Offline

Gender: male
Posts: 211

Thanks for the reply! As you can see, I just posted my reply to Opa & Capt. Propwash. I will heed your advice, and from this point on will reply from the FS 2002 forum. I just did it here to see if I would get any other responses. Smiley

It appears as if there are differences in the .air & .cfg files between FS 9 and FS 8, but damned if I can't figure out what those differences are! Even with programs like AirEd and AirWrench at my disposal, it's difficult to figure out what changes I need to make in order to get the A/C to fly.

I'll keep investigating this, and hopefully I can get it straightened out.

Thanks again for the heads up, and I will continue this discussion in the FS 2002 forum.

Alan Smiley

"I created the Little Black Book to keep myself from getting killed..."
-- Captain Elrey Borge Jeppesen

P4 3.0 SINGLE CORE, 2GB Corsair RAM, ATI Radeon 4650 1GB, OCZ 600w PSU, Samsung 160GB HD XP SP3

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Reply #6 - Mar 7th, 2010 at 3:27pm

Groundbound1   Offline
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This may or may not help you, but it's worth a shot.

There is a setting in the aircraft.cfg of many fs2004 aircraft under the heading of [GeneralEngineData] called "min_throttle_limit", that tells the sim how little throttle there can be before the engines shut down. (If my understanding is correct)

You might try adding this line to the aircraft.cfg of the B17 you want to use:


So the aircraft.cfg would the look like this:


//0=Piston, 1=Jet, 2=None, 3=Helo-Turbine, 4=Rocket, 5=Turboprop
engine_type = 0
fuel_flow_scalar = 1.000000
min_throttle_limit = 0.100000
engine.0 = 10.10, -10.58, 0,
engine.1 = 10.10, 9.81, 0,
engine.2 = 8.83, -20.81, 1,
engine.3 = 8.36, 21.27, 1,

While I don't think it's nessesary for FS2004 to have this entry present, most aircraft do. (I also think FS2002 will ignore this entry, so you shouldn't have a problem cross compatability there either.)

Like I said, it may be worth a shot.

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Reply #7 - Mar 7th, 2010 at 3:44pm

ViperPilot   Offline

Gender: male
Posts: 211
NOTE: At the request of some members, all replies & further inquiries will be posted in the FS 2002 Forum under the same heading. I apologize for any confusion this might have caused.

"I created the Little Black Book to keep myself from getting killed..."
-- Captain Elrey Borge Jeppesen

P4 3.0 SINGLE CORE, 2GB Corsair RAM, ATI Radeon 4650 1GB, OCZ 600w PSU, Samsung 160GB HD XP SP3

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