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Rip It 2 (Read 643 times)
Mar 4th, 2010 at 10:33pm
SeanTK   Ex Member

OK lemmings, you know what to do based on the Rip It from a few days ago, so do it! It seems like we have been getting very descriptive answers lately, so keep it up.
Have fun!


By the way, you may notice this shot in the regular edited forum. I'm putting one of my own "not bad" ones (in my heavily biased opinion) into the mix here.
Do not let that stop you from absolutely tearing it to shreds. Trust me, it's fun to watch!

I want to see discussions, nitpicking, insults towards the image, helpful comments to newbies relating to this shot, everything!

I want you people to find things you dislike about this shot. Don't just say that there is nothing wrong with it. FIND something to criticize, no matter how minor it may be.

This will conclude my Rip It contributions for the remainder of the month (2 max per month for me), so make it count!

SeanTK...sticking the finger into the piranha tank....
Grin Wink
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Reply #1 - Mar 4th, 2010 at 10:37pm

Mitch.   Offline
Global Moderator
If you don't like my driving,
get off the footpath

Gender: male
Posts: 3923
I don't like the slight blur on the nose and the front of the nosewheels. Wink

And I would've prefered to have seen an RAAF Hercules but I'm biased. Grin

^^^ Click above to check out  ^^^
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Reply #2 - Mar 4th, 2010 at 10:39pm
SeanTK   Ex Member

Haha! Saw you online when I posted this, Mitch. I suspected you'd make a swipe at the Kiwi livery!   Grin Wink

Thanks for posting!
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Reply #3 - Mar 4th, 2010 at 10:57pm

Mitch.   Offline
Global Moderator
If you don't like my driving,
get off the footpath

Gender: male
Posts: 3923
Well, we can't let the Kiwis have it all their own way. Grin

^^^ Click above to check out  ^^^
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Reply #4 - Mar 4th, 2010 at 11:28pm

Leigh   Offline
"Its not the destination
its the journey."
somewhere over the rainbow

Gender: male
Posts: 1503
I agree with the blur and it could possibly have a few more clouds in the BG maybe high level?

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Reply #5 - Mar 4th, 2010 at 11:38pm
SeanTK   Ex Member

Good suggestion, Leigh.  Smiley

Would fixing the blur issue just be a matter of more precise aircraft tracing before inverting the selection to apply the effect to the background?
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Reply #6 - Mar 4th, 2010 at 11:48pm

Leigh   Offline
"Its not the destination
its the journey."
somewhere over the rainbow

Gender: male
Posts: 1503
tbh with you im not to sure because i think it uses whats underneath as well so what ever you trace it will still  be the same but there will be lines just like there but im not to sure

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Reply #7 - Mar 5th, 2010 at 2:25am

JakesF14   Offline
Blistering Barnacles!
South Africa

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Posts: 1866
Sean, you make it very hard to find faults! Awesome shot, to be honest! I think the background should have motion blur instead of normal blur?? It could be  that you've applied motion blur, but something bother me there. Otherwise than that and the blurry part at the nosewheel, Awesome!

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Reply #8 - Mar 5th, 2010 at 3:27am

patchz   Offline
What, me worry?

Gender: male
Posts: 10589
Good suggestion, Leigh.  Smiley

Would fixing the blur issue just be a matter of more precise aircraft tracing before inverting the selection to apply the effect to the background?

Ok, this answers my question posted in the edited section, not that it means I can do it now.  Roll Eyes

If God intended aircraft engines to have horizontally opposed engines, Pratt and Whitney would have made them that way.
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Reply #9 - Mar 5th, 2010 at 3:31am

patchz   Offline
What, me worry?

Gender: male
Posts: 10589
I guess my inability to find fault with it, other than what has already been posted, shows my lack of knowledge/experience. Sorry Sean, but I just like it.

After another look, it seems there is something amiss with the lighting. But I can't really put my finger on the exact problem. (maybe a pirranah got it; my finger, not the problem Roll Eyes Cheesy)
The aircraft looks a little bit like a model that was photographed in a studio and then added to an existing shot, like a composite.

If God intended aircraft engines to have horizontally opposed engines, Pratt and Whitney would have made them that way.
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Reply #10 - Mar 5th, 2010 at 7:20am

LeeC   Offline
Live the life, create
the dream.

Gender: male
Posts: 106
Okay... here goes.
The biggest one for me, I'd like to see all the aircraft. Smiley

It's lit from the wrong side, which throws far too much of it into dark shadow. One of the striking aspects of this plane is the shape, and the image does nothing to show it.

The lighting doesn't look consistent with what you would expect from a broken cloud sky, I'd expect far more sunlight to be apparent in the scene.

The soft diffuse shadows, and almost total lack of specularity, don't fit with an apparently sunny day either.

The lighting, coupled with the drab, uninteresting paint scheme makes it just a dull, dreary photograph.

The aircraft is out of focus, or at least parts of it are. Usually consistent with fake blur having been applied. (which is why I hate fake camera effects)

The background looks like it's had fake blur applied to it.

The background looks civilian, yet the aircraft is military, so it seems a little out of place... Especially considering the type of military aircraft it is. I'm not saying these types of planes don't use civil airports, but in the context of a screenshot, you'd tend to place the aircraft in a more relevant setting.

The nearest clouds look typically "Flight Sim", but old, more like FS1990 rather than something new.

The red and white rings on the props are "in your face" a bit too much.
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