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› HP700 Mobo crash
(Moderators: Mitch., Fly2e, ozzy72, beaky, Clipper, JBaymore, Bob70, BigTruck)
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HP700 Mobo crash (Read 195 times)
Feb 22
, 2010 at 7:04pm
Let's get a little mud
on the tires!
KCHS, Charleston, SC, USA
Posts: 1958
well, I had put my wifes comp in the shop on Sat because it would not turn on, post, NOTHING would happen.
turns out the MOBO is shot.
I would really like to get it fixed, but the shop claims that it would be cheaper to just buy a new tower, mobo, processor, ram, etc etc etc yada, yada. (~$330.00USD) than it would be to get a new mobo (or even used one that would work)
does anyone know where I might be able to find just the mobo for her computer?
if i cant find one that might work, i will probably be forced to just anty up and pay the ~$330 for the new everything.
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Computer Specs:: Acer Aspire Laptop..Win7 Home Premium 64-bit (sp1), AMD Athlon II X2 P340 (Dual Core) [2.2 Ghz], ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4250 (256mb), 4GB DDR3......FS9.1(sp3) / FSX (sp2)..... Ultimate Terrain X, Ground Environment X, REX, FTX ORBX PNW-PFJ-NRM-CRM, OZx, Tongass Fjords, Misty Moorings
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Reply #1 -
Feb 23
, 2010 at 3:19am
Melbourne, Australia.
Posts: 3184
There trying to rip you off. Want are the specs?
You should be able to get a good M/B for around $140
Sunset Chasing...RULES
AMD 9550 2.43 X4 - 2Gb RAM 800Mhz DDRII - Asus 4670
Corsair TX-750W
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Reply #2 -
Feb 23
, 2010 at 12:19pm
Speed of flight
Chasing the elusive "faster
than yesterday" goal.
Posts: 150
Yeah, that doesn't sound right. There's no reason that you should need a whole new system, just because the board is bad. In fact, I bet your components fit nicely right on to another board. You can even go cheaper than $140! Is it a performance machine? Or is it just a home pc thing? WHat socket and processor? AGP or PCI or PCIe? ddr2 or 3? Boards are WAY cheaper than whole new systems, and Fry's even has MoBo and Proc combos that rival prices for either individually. Check 'em out!
Asus Crosshair V Formula-Z
AMD 8350 @4.65 GHz on H100i (226.8 x 20.5)
8 GB DDR3 1814 MHz CL8
ATI 6870 HD Radeon 1 GB
Antec 850 W PSU
Cooler Master HAF 932
500 GB and 200 GB HDDs
Windows 7x64
VRS F/A-18E Superbug, PMDG 747-400 & -8 and MD-11, Captainsim 777, Iris F-14A&B and A-10, Area 51 C-5M Super Galaxy and C-17, loads of others.
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