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› REX + VOZ 1.8
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REX + VOZ 1.8 (Read 557 times)
Feb 1
, 2010 at 2:49pm
An elderly FS 2004 addict!
Hereford. England. EGBS.
Posts: 24861
Hello Chums...
I am still awaiting my CD Version of REX for FS 2004 to drop through my letter-box ....after a week waiting for postal delivery from Australia!
At the moment I am using VOZ 1.8 and its accompanying beautiful "Koorbygen" Buildings.
Will there be a conflict between VOZ 1.8 and REX 2004 regarding the Scenery effects?
Or will I have to use EITHER one or the other, but not both together?
Paul...G-BPLF...FS 2004...FS Nav...VOZ 1.8...etc...
Dell Dimension 5000 BTX Tower. Win7 Home Edition, 32 Bit. Intel Pentium 4, dual 2.8 GHz. 2.5GB RAM, nVidia GF 9500GT 1GB. SATA 500GB + 80GB. Philips 17" LCD Monitor. Micronet ADSL Modem only. Saitek Cyborg Evo Force. FS 2004 + FSX. Briggs and Stratton Petrol Lawn Mower...Motor Bikes. Gas Cooker... and lots of musical instruments!.... ...!
Yamaha MO6,MM6,DX7,DX11,DX21,DX100,MK100,EMT10,PSR400,PSS780,Roland GW-8L v2,TR505,Casio MT-205,Korg CX3v2 dual manual,+ Leslie 760,M-Audio Prokeys88,KeyRig,Cubase,Keyfax4,Guitars,Orchestral,Baroque,Renaissance,Medieval Instruments.
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Reply #1 -
Feb 1
, 2010 at 7:36pm
Jordan never wore his
safety goggles...
Posts: 4611
Shouldn't be because they are two different programs.
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Reply #2 -
Feb 2
, 2010 at 4:05am
An elderly FS 2004 addict!
Hereford. England. EGBS.
Posts: 24861
skoker wrote
on Feb 1
, 2010 at 7:36pm:
Shouldn't be because they are two different programs.
...but they both have an effect on the appearance of the ground scenery, etc? will take preference over the other, or conflict, if they are BOTH installed and running in the Flight Sim?
What do you reckon?
Dell Dimension 5000 BTX Tower. Win7 Home Edition, 32 Bit. Intel Pentium 4, dual 2.8 GHz. 2.5GB RAM, nVidia GF 9500GT 1GB. SATA 500GB + 80GB. Philips 17" LCD Monitor. Micronet ADSL Modem only. Saitek Cyborg Evo Force. FS 2004 + FSX. Briggs and Stratton Petrol Lawn Mower...Motor Bikes. Gas Cooker... and lots of musical instruments!.... ...!
Yamaha MO6,MM6,DX7,DX11,DX21,DX100,MK100,EMT10,PSR400,PSS780,Roland GW-8L v2,TR505,Casio MT-205,Korg CX3v2 dual manual,+ Leslie 760,M-Audio Prokeys88,KeyRig,Cubase,Keyfax4,Guitars,Orchestral,Baroque,Renaissance,Medieval Instruments.
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Reply #3 -
Feb 2
, 2010 at 6:42am
I turned into a Martian!
Posts: 10000
FS9 REX features:
Full-featured NEW built-in Weather Engine (Built on Real Life meteorological algorithms using synoptic, meso-scale, and micro environment weather formulas for Real and Custom weather)
Flight Planner (Ability to create and file a Flight Plan using true to life flight requirements)
New feature never before seen in FS2004. Sky coloring now reflects on all water surfaces during dawn and dusk hours.
Hi-definition, ultra-realistic photo-real 3D clouds (stratus, wispy, cumulus and highly realistic rendering of cirrus clouds as seen in the real world)
Sky color environments (Includes smoothing horizon transition & visibility smoothing for dawn, day, dusk & night)
Convincingly real water environments with tropical reef simulation (end user color controllable, including tropical with reef simulations, inland and ocean, wave turbulence/frequency, environment variants & coloring.
Airport environments (photo-real asphalt & concrete runway textures, new runway and ground bump-mapping, asphalt taxiways, concrete taxiways, realistic taxiway markings, airport signage and general photorealistic airport ground scenery)
Multiple variations of sun, lens flare & brand NEW lightning bolt algorithms, which creates a visually stunning array of lightning situations
Fully integrated to select Sky, Cloud, Water, Airport, and Effect Themes based upon weather situation, season, and other synoptic, meso-scale, and micro weather conditions
Enhanced Cloud Simulation to give a more 3D volumetric feel to cloud structures and the atmosphere
Lighting environments (runway lighting including simulated ground glow, stunningly realistic aircraft spotlights with variations for small to large aircraft, aircraft strobe lights, variations for add-on aircraft as well)
3d cloud & water resolution options for performance preference
Flexibility to work in tandem with other vendor weather & texture packages
Things in VOZ 1.8 that may be affected:
Waves, Water, Haze, Sunsets, Sunrise, Dusk, Dawn weve added a completely new and uniquely Australian VOZ environment.
If you use ASV or FE2004,
(REX also I imagine)
they will overwrite a lot of these - you'll need to re-run the VOZ switcher and click on the same region again if you want to keep using the VOZ water and environment.
But definitely try just selecting a VOZ region and running FS2004 without another environment or weather add-on to see how VOZ gives your environment a complete overhaul.
-We've included the "Koorby Clouds 1" weather theme, which he used in a lot of
the screenshots taken during the VOZ betas, and also in his videos. To select this
theme, press the ALT key during a flight, then select Word | Weather, and scroll
down your list of themes and click on Koorby Clouds 1.
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Reply #4 -
Feb 2
, 2010 at 6:59am
An elderly FS 2004 addict!
Hereford. England. EGBS.
Posts: 24861
...My CD version of REX for FS 2004 has just dropped through my Letter Box...(after a weeks waiting)...
So......time to try them both to see what works ...and what doesn't....
I must admit I have loved my VOZ over the years, with the lovely Koorbygen Buildings....
Perhaps I can retain the Koorbygen buildings (only) in the default Object/Texture Folder...
Paul....its time to get; "REX'd".....
...(...its Legal in England!...)....
Dell Dimension 5000 BTX Tower. Win7 Home Edition, 32 Bit. Intel Pentium 4, dual 2.8 GHz. 2.5GB RAM, nVidia GF 9500GT 1GB. SATA 500GB + 80GB. Philips 17" LCD Monitor. Micronet ADSL Modem only. Saitek Cyborg Evo Force. FS 2004 + FSX. Briggs and Stratton Petrol Lawn Mower...Motor Bikes. Gas Cooker... and lots of musical instruments!.... ...!
Yamaha MO6,MM6,DX7,DX11,DX21,DX100,MK100,EMT10,PSR400,PSS780,Roland GW-8L v2,TR505,Casio MT-205,Korg CX3v2 dual manual,+ Leslie 760,M-Audio Prokeys88,KeyRig,Cubase,Keyfax4,Guitars,Orchestral,Baroque,Renaissance,Medieval Instruments.
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Reply #5 -
Feb 2
, 2010 at 7:02am
Global Moderator
If you don't like my driving,
get off the footpath
Posts: 3923
So I expect to see some shots from you in the PAYWARE section, un-charted waters for you Paul.
---------->Currently building a native FSX Beechcraft Starship 2000<----------
^^^ Click above to check out ^^^
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Reply #6 -
Feb 2
, 2010 at 7:13am
An elderly FS 2004 addict!
Hereford. England. EGBS.
Posts: 24861
Mitch. wrote
on Feb 2
, 2010 at 7:02am:
So I expect to see some shots from you in the PAYWARE section, un-charted waters for you Paul.
..I don't know how you Blokes find the time to set up fancy Screen Shots....
I am always too busy actually "Exploring" the World daily in my Flight Simulator!....
...which is what it was designed for...
Paul....G-BPLF....FS 2004...FS Nav...have Cessna 150...will travel...
Dell Dimension 5000 BTX Tower. Win7 Home Edition, 32 Bit. Intel Pentium 4, dual 2.8 GHz. 2.5GB RAM, nVidia GF 9500GT 1GB. SATA 500GB + 80GB. Philips 17" LCD Monitor. Micronet ADSL Modem only. Saitek Cyborg Evo Force. FS 2004 + FSX. Briggs and Stratton Petrol Lawn Mower...Motor Bikes. Gas Cooker... and lots of musical instruments!.... ...!
Yamaha MO6,MM6,DX7,DX11,DX21,DX100,MK100,EMT10,PSR400,PSS780,Roland GW-8L v2,TR505,Casio MT-205,Korg CX3v2 dual manual,+ Leslie 760,M-Audio Prokeys88,KeyRig,Cubase,Keyfax4,Guitars,Orchestral,Baroque,Renaissance,Medieval Instruments.
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Reply #7 -
Feb 2
, 2010 at 11:28am
An elderly FS 2004 addict!
Hereford. England. EGBS.
Posts: 24861
..looking good, so far...
REX is mingling very well with VOZ 1.8, sharing/modifying some Textures and Colours.....AND.... retaining my Koorbygen Buildings!
Just loaded in the REX Weather Engine...takes ages!...but looking good..!
Paul....G-BPLF....FS 2004...FS Nav...
Dell Dimension 5000 BTX Tower. Win7 Home Edition, 32 Bit. Intel Pentium 4, dual 2.8 GHz. 2.5GB RAM, nVidia GF 9500GT 1GB. SATA 500GB + 80GB. Philips 17" LCD Monitor. Micronet ADSL Modem only. Saitek Cyborg Evo Force. FS 2004 + FSX. Briggs and Stratton Petrol Lawn Mower...Motor Bikes. Gas Cooker... and lots of musical instruments!.... ...!
Yamaha MO6,MM6,DX7,DX11,DX21,DX100,MK100,EMT10,PSR400,PSS780,Roland GW-8L v2,TR505,Casio MT-205,Korg CX3v2 dual manual,+ Leslie 760,M-Audio Prokeys88,KeyRig,Cubase,Keyfax4,Guitars,Orchestral,Baroque,Renaissance,Medieval Instruments.
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