~S~ Ddave
I'm "Fitter and Rigger" at AAC and we still play CFS1 games every Sundays at noon, Eastern Time. My own COMBATFS.CFG file reads;
Scenery_Edit_File=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Combat Flight Simulator\scenery\marker
The last line is pointing to the last scenery I was working on. The line before... beats me!
The slew mode, as you have probably re-discovered by now, comes automatically when you go in scenery-making mode. Open that mode in a reduced window. Otherwise, the multiple windows will all be on top of each others.
The "scenery conflicts" are caused by a little quirk within your newly created BGL scenery files. Turns out that
ALL objects have a 100 km radius in their "Area" settings. This is the radius at which the object in placed in "stanby" in the scenery buffer zone.
Quote:; ----------------------------------------
; Object # 4, offset: 0x0139 size: 101 bytes (0x0065)
;; Lat: 00052C6CCh Lon: 001A3B9D6h
; ----------------------------------------
Area( A N48:48:54.19 E002:18:20.24
CrashIndirect( :L000188 :L00015C :L00017C 0 0 )
ShadowCall( :L00015C )
PerspectiveCall( :L00015A )
Jump( : )
RefPoint( rel :L000186 0.50 N48:48:54.21 E002:18:20.24
V1= 0 V2= 36 )
RotatedCall( :L000188 0 0 116 )
CallLibObj( 0 9797FC57 8A930060 11D14AC5 A028DBFE )
So, all objects in all CFS1 made BGL within 62 miles of your a/c are piling-up in the buffer zone. Add a hefty scenery, like our squadron base, AAC_Ripe, in the middle, and you will probably end with a "deck of card" effect, what you described as "really wild crazy blurry looking graphics".
Using exclude commands does very little, if any. The solution here is to reduce that "
" to more realistic values. For huge structures (Big Ben, Eifel tower, and the like, "30" will do. For buildings and runways, "22" is the norm. For tiny objects (pill boxes, trucks, tents...), "12", or even less, should be considered.
For the disassembling-reassembling process, I suggest
BGLAnalyse, available from many sources. Make your BGL, disassemble it, change the Area radii in all Areas, reassemble, and voilà!
At the AAC, we often use RAF662 bombers, so if you come to our games, which are open to all, not only members, you will feel at home. For more inquiries, leave a post at our forum ;