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Carenado discussion: Sale- 30% off! But... (Read 599 times)
Dec 8th, 2009 at 9:32am

flaminghotsauce   Offline
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

Posts: 181
I am curious about y'all that already own Carenado aircraft. Are there any that you would NOT purchase? I am considering the 182 RG for FSX, but I'd rather have the 182Q. I prefer the lighter colored panel, as it's easier to see with my eyes. But the -Q only has the darker panel. Is it possible to swap panels around?

The 172. Is it worth it over the default FSX 172? More accurate flight characteristics?

I'm also looking at some of the Pipers. Anyone own the Cherokee 180?

Any FSX airplanes that would be recommended higher and above all others, unanimously, unambiguously, far better than any?
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Reply #1 - Dec 8th, 2009 at 8:11pm

olderndirt   Offline
Flying is PFM
Rochester, WA

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Posts: 3574
Today I got the C182RG.  Wanted a little IFR bird and had heard great things about Carenado.  Download, from the Carenado site, was smooth as glass but FSX had me doing a little toe dance; did I want to run it/you want to run it once or accept it as bonafide.  Took a little back and forthing but it finally gave in - flies extremely well and more than worth the $13.95.



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Reply #2 - Dec 8th, 2009 at 8:32pm

Fly2e   Offline
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This Topic was moved here from Flight Simulator X by Fly2e.

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Reply #3 - Dec 9th, 2009 at 7:42am

flaminghotsauce   Offline
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

Posts: 181
Thanks for moving this thread. I hate to say it, but I've never scrolled down far enough to see this "payware" section....

I'm looking at the 182's real hard, but I want a quality low-wing piper also. i'll probably have to get two, or maybe three different aircraft. I took some time flying my 172 yesterday, and it's very good. I wonder how much better it can get with payware.
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Reply #4 - Dec 9th, 2009 at 3:10pm

olderndirt   Offline
Flying is PFM
Rochester, WA

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Posts: 3574
Yesterday I was tickled to death with my Carenado download - today, not so much.  When I open FSX and select this plane, I still get the window asking if I want to run this 'unknown' software.  When I tell it 'run', I get an FSX window asking if I want to trust the software permanently or run it just once.  Takes about six of these before it goes ahead and uses the plane but last flight we opened airborne at full throttle.  The two VOR indicators and the VHF receivers were black.  Other radios and gauges OK.  Seems there's no such thing as a good deal anymore so its 'Caveat Emptor'  Smiley.



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Reply #5 - Dec 9th, 2009 at 6:11pm

flaminghotsauce   Offline
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

Posts: 181
I just bought it. That and the Archer II. That 182Q is brilliant for the money!

FWIW, I had to click "allow" and 'okay" about nine times for both airplanes upon running them. Each individual gauge had to be approved as a trusted thing, or whatever.

WHAT A DIFFERENCE! I'm shocked and amazed at how much better the handling is! Cheesy That aspect alone is worth the money. The different use of the 2D panel is really handy too. The only thing I'm disappointed in is the weird autopilot, but I suppose that's how that system works. But maybe I just haven't figured it out yet.

My opening gambit into the world of payware has been a good one.
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Reply #6 - Dec 9th, 2009 at 11:14pm

olderndirt   Offline
Flying is PFM
Rochester, WA

Gender: male
Posts: 3574
flaminghotsauce wrote on Dec 9th, 2009 at 6:11pm:
Each gauge had to be approved as a trusted thing, or whatever.
Finally figured that out - If All Else Fails, Read The Instructions  Smiley.



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