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I'm seeking a 737 with accurate aerodynamics and lots of VC controls (Read 345 times)
Dec 7th, 2009 at 2:12pm

Tech Diver   Offline
Concord, Massachusetts

Gender: male
Posts: 196
Like the subject line says, I am looking for a high quality 737. My two primary criteria are that the virtual cockpit controls must nearly all work as in the real aircraft and that the flight model be pretty accurate. I would also like it to look aesthetically pleasing, but it doesn't have to go as far as the Captain Sim models with elaborate cabin interiors and engine maintainance access, etc. However, I only want to see 3D switches and knobs in the virtual cockpit; the flat ones really turn me off.

Any help would be appreciated.

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Reply #1 - Dec 7th, 2009 at 4:47pm

Rich H   Offline
Sweden Jamboree 2011!
Solihull, U.K.

Gender: male
Posts: 2082
If you're running FS9, you can try their 737NGs:
Probably one of the most realistic and detailed 737s out there.
If you're running FSX, well, not so sure.


"Politics" is made up of two words, "Poli", which is Greek for "many", and "tics", which are blood sucking insects. - Gore Vidal
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Reply #2 - Dec 7th, 2009 at 5:48pm

Tech Diver   Offline
Concord, Massachusetts

Gender: male
Posts: 196
Ah yes, I forgot to mention that I am running FSX. I will check out their site anyway to see if their model is compatible.

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Reply #3 - Dec 7th, 2009 at 6:00pm

Rich H   Offline
Sweden Jamboree 2011!
Solihull, U.K.

Gender: male
Posts: 2082
There's one being produced at the moment by PMDG, not sure when it will be out.
You could try this aircraft:


"Politics" is made up of two words, "Poli", which is Greek for "many", and "tics", which are blood sucking insects. - Gore Vidal
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Reply #4 - Dec 7th, 2009 at 8:09pm

Leigh   Offline
"Its not the destination
its the journey."
somewhere over the rainbow

Gender: male
Posts: 1503
the ariane 737 are fairly good

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Reply #5 - Dec 7th, 2009 at 8:33pm

Rocket_Bird   Offline

Gender: male
Posts: 1214
Araine planes are super expensive for an addon though, last I checked.  And also for what you get...


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Reply #6 - Dec 8th, 2009 at 8:52am

Tomaz   Offline

Gender: male
Posts: 77
I'm too waiting for a decent 737NG. Next year the PMDG version will be out. Ariane is way too expensive in my opinion - not like I can't afford it but 80€ for ONE model is just too much. Maybe I'm wrong and it's an exelent addon worth the money. Maybe someone who owns it could tell.


Power Supply: LC8850 850W
Motherboard: GA-EX58-UD4
CPU: i7 920 @ 4GHz
Memory: MMUSHKIN 3x2GB HP3-12800 DDR3 3x2GB 1600MHz
Hard Drive: Western Digital WD10EADS "Caviar ® Green™" 1000 GB Serial ATAII cache 32 MB
Video Card: Geforce GTX 285
Addons: ASA, GEX, UT2, FSPassengersX
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Reply #7 - Dec 8th, 2009 at 4:43pm

Tech Diver   Offline
Concord, Massachusetts

Gender: male
Posts: 196
I looked at the Ariane and was very surprised by how much it costs. I really can't see paying that much money for a sim model. However, the upcoming PMDG 737ng sounds really good and is reasonably priced. After hearing how detailed the controls are for the FS9 version, I have decided to purchace the FSX version when it is released in the upcoming year.

Thank you all for your excellent advice in helping me choose the product that best fits what I'm looking for.

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