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FS2004 Missions? (Read 2318 times)
Sep 14th, 2009 at 9:41pm

UnitedExpress4180   Offline
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Uh...I'm about to get FS2004. It has missions and challenges in it, right?

See my available repaints at
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Reply #1 - Sep 14th, 2009 at 11:07pm
Crash   Ex Member

FS2004 has some pre planned flights in it in which you will be briefed about what to do. Since FS2004 is about 'A Century of Flight' expect a lot of historic flights (Wright, Lindberg, Earhart). Some of them are a real challenge, some are easy to do.

Good luck in flying them all.

Crash Wink
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Reply #2 - Sep 18th, 2009 at 11:46am

Nav   Offline

Posts: 717
Sure, Crash - plenty of them. The best feature of FS9, in my view, and something that should never have been left out of FSX.

If you click on 'Historical Flights' you'll find a large number of interesting and absorbing 'scenarios.'

A few words of warning, though. Some of them - like flying the Atlantic in the Alcock and Brown Vickers Vimy, or the Lindbergh 'Spirit of St. Louis,' are frankly impossible (at least in my experience) and other scenarios are at best 'difficult.'

I don't know how much flying - real or simulated - you've done - but I'd strongly recommend starting with the first five or so 'lessons.'

Having done that, by all means move to the the 'Historical Flights.' The first two I tried - still my favourites - are 'Aerial Chauffeur' (flying the default Cessna around 'Kennedy Country,' New England, starting and finishing at Nantucket and ranging all over in worsening weather) and 'Reeve Aleutian Airlines,' flying a Dak from Anchorage all the way along the Aleutian Chain. 'Fair warning,' though, in both those scenarios the weather starts off marginal and progresses to the 'close to impossible.'

If you're not overly experienced yet, I'd recommend starting with 'Hawaian Vacation' - which consists first of all of a quiet round-Oahu trip in perfect weather, taking off from and landing back at Honolulu -a really scenic trip.

Then move on to the more challenging ones. About those two I mentioned, on occasion, in the later flights, the weather/visibility gets close to 'impossible' - if you 'lose it,' instead of aborting and starting again, I'd recommend that you just select 'Fair Weather,' finish the flight, and then start the same flight again - 'fore-warned is fore-armed' and you'll probably be able to stay more organised next time.

Hope at least some of that helps - anything that isn't clear, don't hesitate to ask. Smiley          
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Reply #3 - Sep 18th, 2009 at 12:37pm

JBaymore   Offline
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Be aware that the "missions and challenges" are not as "gamey" as the stuff for FSX.  IE .... You don't get little "icon stickers in a folder" in fs2004.

Some would see that as a plus, and some as a minus.   Wink



... ...Intel i7 960 quad 3.2G LGA 1366, Asus P6X58D Premium, 750W Corsair, 6 gig 1600 DDR3, Spinpoint 1TB 7200 HD, Caviar 500G 7200 HD, GTX275 1280M,  Logitec Z640, Win7 Pro 64b, CH Products yoke, pedals + throttle quad, simpit
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