On 18th July from 14:00EDT until 14:00EDT 19th July, we will be hosting a 24 hour open day at Air SeaTac to give pilots who fly FS9 or FSX and who may not have thought about flying online before the chance to fly with other pilots from all over the world & generally just have a lot of fun.
If you've never flown online before, we'll show you a whole new dimension to flight simulation. The AI aircraft will be gone, replaced by aircraft flown by real pilots, with all the uncertainty that entails!!
Memebers of other VA's are also more than welcome to join us during this event and members of the management team will be online (when available) to field any questions you may have.
Our preferred method of communication is Teamspeak & if you're unfamiliar with this program you can download it
hereBoth our FSHost & Teamspeak servers will be open to all comers during the event and we look forward to meeting a lot of new pilots who (we hope) will be impressed enough with our setup to want to sign up with us.
Server addresses:
Teamspeak: ts.airseatac.com