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repaints for the VMAX RFP 747? (Read 616 times)
Jun 12th, 2009 at 8:41pm

brantmacga   Offline
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Quitman, GA

Gender: male
Posts: 240
Does anyone know of available repaints for the 'ready for pushback' 747-200? Specifically, a VC-25A repaint?

I found some info on the avsim forums about them being available there, but their libraries are still down.

I downloaded a paint tutorial, and have PSP9; but I figured I'd see if one is available already before I botch a paint job.
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Reply #1 - Jun 12th, 2009 at 10:15pm

ShaneG   Offline
I turned into a Martian!

Posts: 10000
These are all the repaints I'm aware of and I didn't see it in there. (could be though. Wink ) ;

Great plane, I need to give this one a  flight or two again. Cool
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