Been using FsPx for a while now to add realism and log flights.
Logged more then 140 hours in the props (C182, C208B, Otter & C46) I decided to work my way into the mini tubes.
I bought the default Lear45.
Now I must admit, flying props and the C46 taildragger, going into the Lear45, it is heaven.
I applied the basics of flight flying the Lear45 but the aircraft systems are doing so much for me, the very things I had to attend to mannually flying the mentioned props now gets done for my by the flight systems.
The only thing I need to know to make my flying as real as it gets:
Upon decent with the AP activated I would apply speed reductions as applicable and to make sure I am below 250 knots when I move through 10000.
My rate of decent is set at 1500 f/m. Problem is the Lear45's flight system lowers the speed up to a point and the the speed holds as the decent continue. Often at a speed higher then what I set it to be.
I have 2 ways to lower the speed, I can dis-engage the auto throttle and controll it manually OR I can use the speed brake.
I like to avoid the first due to lagged response time when using throttles manually.
Is it advised to use the speed brake in air to bring speed to required levels? What would be a reasonable speed one can start using the speed brakes?
I used speed brakes at 260 knots. Kept controll with them till 1500 feet then dis-engaged.
The landing was spectaculer, 140 knot as per speed charts with a 81 f/m touchdown & a 4 degree pitch.
Only used reverse thurst to 60 knots, full flaps then disengaged with full speed brakes.
I have never flown a prop that had speed brakes so that part of the mechanics is new to me.
Thanking helpers in advance.