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faulty Mooney tachometer in 2004 (Read 106 times)
Reply #120 - May 7th, 2009 at 12:17pm

Hagar   Offline
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DenisH wrote on May 7th, 2009 at 10:54am:
HAGAR: My error. I didn't see Adobe AIM in my programs -- I don't have it -- so I assumed you meant Adobe 9. I will reinstall it. �Sorry for this confusion. �I am not very literate in computers.

I think it's me that confused you. Let me try to clarify it.

If you open the folder of one of the aircraft in your FS2004 you should see something like this. (I've used the default B777_300 as an example.

If it looks like this you have Adobe AIR installed.

Note the different AIR file icon. Also the file description is now Installer Package. If you try to run it by double-clicking on it you will get this error message.

In fact the file is still an FS AIR file, NOT an Installer Package. It is not damaged & the aircraft will still work perfectly well. Uninstalling Adobe AIR should return the file icon to normal.

I suspect you're trying to install the Piper by using the AIR file as an auto-installer. I hope you can see that this will not work & it should be installed manually as described here --->


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Reply #121 - May 7th, 2009 at 5:23pm

Romflyer   Offline

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DenisH wrote on May 6th, 2009 at 2:02pm:
Second Q is re the Cessna 150. The airspeed guage on my model is unreadable. Very blurred and small and can't be read even with a magnifying glass. �I'm �guessing this is common to all downloaded models and my Q is, is it? Can �it possible be clarified? �Any response will be appreciated.

One thing about the zoom function in VC mode that I've always found odd is that by default '-' and '=' are called increase selection and decrease selection.........using these default settings makes zooming in and out........very dramatic Roll Eyes what will help you with this is to go into the controls menu and change both "- and =" to "increase slightly" and "decrease slightly" that way you will have much more control over what level of zoom you would like. It's always a trade-off in VC over getting the widest veiw for perspective, and being able to read your gauges, and making this change makes it easier to find that sweet spot  Cool
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Reply #122 - May 7th, 2009 at 5:51pm

DenisH   Offline
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Speaking of stress, I downloaded an airplane I can relate to this morning. It was made in Belgrade in 1927 by two Serbs with unpronounceable names and is called "the Daint George". One of its instruments is a hook on the panel from which there hangs a gold pocketwatch. I think you have to wind it up occasionally.
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Reply #123 - May 7th, 2009 at 5:55pm

DenisH   Offline
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HAGAR  Yes. That's exactly what happened. Thanks very much for the guidance.  I think it's straightened out now. 

PS  Sorry for typo. The little Belgrade plane is the  "Saint George" Do you guys know it?
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Reply #124 - May 7th, 2009 at 6:26pm

DenisH   Offline
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ROM  Have adjusted the zoom per your advice. Thanks for the tip.
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Reply #125 - May 16th, 2009 at 2:28pm

DinnyD   Offline
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ROM: You mentioned you have a AV8R joystick? Have you had problems with commands? I programmed my sticK several times to have the snap-to-panel on button 4, which u recommended in one post.  It worked for a few flights and then went dead. I tried using toggle #3 and that didn't work at all. I went back to a new profile but my stick absolutely refuses to recognize shift + number 0, which is the snap to panel command. Stick also frequently responds to a command not profiled by me?  think it may be faulty. Do you or anyhone have a number for Seitek in the USA. The one I have no longer is in service.   Incidentally, I use the left shift  + number 0. I tried right shift and that doesn't respond either.  Any suggestions would be appreciated.  I'm getting a yoke and pedals shortly but still like the  stick since I am fond of tail draggers.
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Reply #126 - May 16th, 2009 at 11:49pm

Romflyer   Offline

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Welcome to simv dinny
My guess is that you are using the profiler that comes with the stick.....try turning it off and then go into controller options in the game and map out the buttons from there, or if you prefer the profiler then be sure that you keep the selector dial on the same setting as you had it on when you set it up originally, hope that helps
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Reply #127 - May 17th, 2009 at 4:41am

DinnyD   Offline
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Rom:  Thanks very much for the advice.
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Reply #128 - Jul 21st, 2009 at 10:43am

DenisH   Offline
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ROM: Have you had any trouble with AV8R stick suddenly uninstalling commands? I followed your tip about using the button under �the hat for a snap front view and �it worked for some weeks and then suddenly ceased to work. I have tried reprogramming it into both �old and a new profiles and it absolutely refuses to comply. No more �instant front view. I am going nuts trying to figure this out. The stick now accepts some profile installations but not others. I am trying to find out how to reach Seitek, who has probably the most useless tech support I've ever run across. �I have the �pedals and yoke still in the cartons here and am gathering �courage to unpack and set them up. But meantime, I like the stick and am still learning FS �with taildraggers and �don't want to go to the yoke and pedals just yet. Can you help with this? � Do you have a number for Saitek here in the states? Any fixes online? Anything will help. Thanks. �
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Reply #129 - Jul 22nd, 2009 at 1:20am

Romflyer   Offline

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I would suggest to leave the profiler turned off, then go into Controls/assignments within the game and set-up all your buttons on the stick from within the game, to change assignments within the game you just DBL left click on the command you want change then press the new button to assign the new key. 
The profiler that comes with the stick is really un-necessary unless you are wanting different key combinations for different planes and things like that........which I dont think what you have in mind Wink
I just went back and re-read your question and perhaps you have changed the rotary mode selector button on the front of the stick which could change the inputs you have programed, so just turn that dial and see if your functions come back .......I would still suggest you leave the profiler off and re-assign within the is easier than using the software......hope that helps.

even if your not quite ready for the yoke, the pedals will make such a huge impact on the realism of your sim enjoyment, I use CH pedals not Saitek, but I'm pretty sure that all you need to do is plug them in and the main axis' should just automatically work with no........complications, or need to program.......just enjoy them Cool
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Reply #130 - Jul 22nd, 2009 at 5:23am

DenisH   Offline
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ROM:  Many thanks for the advice. I haven't ever turned off the control stick and that may be the source of my frustration.  I'll let you know.  Much obliged.
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Reply #131 - Jul 22nd, 2009 at 5:39am

DenisH   Offline
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ca, usa

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Posts: 289
Excuse me, I meant the control, not the stick.
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Reply #132 - Jul 23rd, 2009 at 8:21pm

Romflyer   Offline

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Posts: 365
Denis, did you figure it out?
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Reply #133 - Jul 24th, 2009 at 7:22am

DenisH   Offline
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Posts: 289
ROM:  I tried  to program  the buttons by using the internal settings and still no luck. I did find a number for Saitek tech support here in the USA and  they said it is probably a defective stick. I am sending it in for either repair or replacement. Thanks again for your help. Incidentally, the USA number for Saitek tech assistance is 619 683 9830.  They're in San Diego.
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Reply #134 - Jul 24th, 2009 at 11:01am

Romflyer   Offline

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Posts: 365
Well lucky for you you've got a back-up Cool............sounds like just the push you need to open up that shiny new box with the yolk and pedals sitting in it..............everything in life happens for a reason  Roll Eyes
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