Anyone know where there's a "Flying Tiger" A-10?
My first base in the USAF was at England AFB, LA in the late '70s/early'80s and we converted from A-7 to A-10 (Tail ID was "EL")
England AFB was the 23rd Tatical Fighter Wing's "last" home, and the direct descendant of the 23rd AVG....the original Flying Tigers!
I have searched the world over and found one freeware version of tail# 79-076, which was the 76th TFS's squadron commander's plane, but the textures were FUBAR'd, even after numerous attempts to fix.
If I can find one, I'd like to change the tail# to 79-023! Just so happens I dated that planes' (FEMALE!) crewchief, and we had a midnight, mid-engine 'tryst' a time or two!
(PLUS! It was the wing commander's ride!)
When A-10s were new to the base, my EOD crew was interrupted one day, while safing the range, by the Wing C.O. wanting to make some 30mm it turned out there was a BAD (previously undiagnosed) engine ignitor difficulty and his first run slowed down the plane to near stall.....we watched as he made the save of the year and dusted off about a quarter-mile of the range at about 25' AGL in the process! We almost needed underwear replacement, so I can imagine how his flightsuit fared!
BTW! It was way before I'd even met his crewchief!
So there's numerous nostalgic reasons for wanting to have a sim version.
Many thanx for any assists!