pilot factories
go to riddle man... every airline pilot you will ever fly with will say
"Oh Christ... another know it all riddle grad"
despite having a good reputation in the student pilot arena... some 'riddle grads' who are quite fresh off the farm and wet behind the ears still somehow manage to come across as know it alls.
There is a lot of pilots out there who had to "fly rubber dog crap out of hong kong in a DC3 for $600 a month" who despise young people who "bridge program" straight into an "air conditioned part 121 flying job"
though i have met several riddle grads who do not fit the stereo type who were quite fun to be around.
My advice. (assuming your fresh out of high school.)
go to a local small flight school and grab hold of a private pilots license.
while your busy with that... find a local community college and take some core basic courses that will transfer elsewhere.
after a semester or two, transfer to some place with an aviation program as you have mentioned above.
whatever you do... major in a field completely unrelated to aviation.
accounting, business management, computer engineering or something of the sort.
that way you have something to fall back on when (not if) you get furloughed by an airline... or your corporation decides to shed its flight department etc.
once you have chosen a program and a school... commit to it and take it very seriously.
set a goal.
graduate in 4 - 5 years, secure a pilot job of some kind by XXX date, build XXX hours by XXX date etc.
and once you have that shiny commercial pilot license... dont sell yourself short. too many new commercial pilots are willing to work for free - YES FREE - just to build time. dont do this to yourself or your profession.
thats not how it works... charge what you are worth and make sure you give your customers what they pay for.
best of luck