Hi there, we are seeking one more judge for the Best of Payware category! We would like to have 4 Judges per category, this allows each judge some breathing room in case they can't get their choices in,(Life just works that way sometimes and we understand that.
) And also to increase the diversity of the shots chosen.
It's quite a simple job. At the beginning of the month you look at all the pictures in the nominations thread that are P (Payware) and choose your 1st, 2nd and 3rd favourite shots, all by different people. You copy the three 'picture codes' into a word document along with the names of people who made the pics, then copy all three and send them to the guy in charge of the comp, at the moment this is Krigl. That's it.
Then you wait and see how many of your nominations make it, usually at least two, and see how they do in the comp, which is nice
If you think you can spend 15 mins on this at the beginning of every month, and not forget/procrastinate till the contest has already been posted
and also are able to be fair and not pick the same favorites every month, please post below. It's first come first served, no other conditions like length of time as a member, knowledge of screenshooting lore or universally acclaimed judging skillz or anything...
One more thing - if you are a judge you can't vote for yourself!
If your pic is good enough the other 3 judges will vote for it though, but still, it's a disadvantage if you're keen on seeing your pictures getting into the gallery. It hasn't stopped our judges from getting nominated before mind you...
ShaneG and Krigl