- Today officials at new VA start-up Republic Virtual announced the launch and completion of their new Pilot Reporting and Flight Bidding systems. "We have many standards at which to uphold and we are fully confident that the addition of these new features will insure our success in the new year and the many more to follow. We have plans to not only improve the airlines current systems but to add more features and increase its potential", stated Jeremy Ballsmith, VP of Corporate Development in a Press Conference early yesterday morning.
The system includes a PIREP form which pilots can easily access through our website and pilot control panel, a flight bidding system, that too is available through our website and provides pilots the opportunity for bidding on flights they would like to fly as does real-world pilots. "We have a solid foundation in which to build up our operations and while we continue to update and streamline our operations we maintain the same level of pilot satisfaction flight after flight, landing after landing", stated Republic Virtual's CEO Nicholas Cooper.
Mr. Cooper continued to discuss the added pilot pay system which provides pilots with a vAccount in which to keep trake of earnings as well as any expendetures along their work. "Pilots get paid by the hour and pay is set in accordance to real-world figures and pilot rank, any pilot leaving an airport which they did not land at last would be considered as a jumpseat, and would then lead to funds being deducted from a pilots account", we hope that the pilot pay system will entice pilots to get in the cockpit a bit more and if a competition is what the pilots what....then they will get exactly that.
In addition to the new and fully operational PIREP system, included is a departure airport METAR service which can be found by clicking on the flight number link in the bidding system. This feature provides pilots with the necessary information needed to ensure both a safe and worthy departure. . Virtual Arways Departure Airport METAR ServiceAll systems are now ready for use! With further BETA testing taking place on into the start of the new year new improvments and additions are being added daily to provide Republic Virtuals pilots with the best possible experience
Happy Landings,
Jeremy Ballsmith,
VP of Corporate Development