I downloaded a cheat trainer from cheathappens.com (need to be a member for lateset cheats) which has a easy kill cheat, only takes 1 or 2 shots max, so little a more realistic.
My hates of the game:
You cant plan attacks, even when it's dark the emeny spots you a mile off.
All the jeeps are the same speed you'll never get away.
The map you carry is stupidly big and gets in the way whilst driving and you cant use the gps in the jeep beacause you cant zoom in on it.
When your being attacked you cant see the ememy for shit WHERE ARE THEY?????? just chuck in a bunch of gernades and hope for the best
you really need the sniper rifle all the time.
Bushes, trees, cover etc DONT WORK!!! you go to hide and a jeep will run your ass into the ground no matter how much makeup your wearing
Loved it at first but now I'm bored to death of it IT'S NO FAR CRY!!
Wait until it's on in bargain basket guys