I am in part of the TDV clan on Xbox Live (TDV MachineMan) and together with my friend on PGR4 we have worked up to being in the top 40 on The Ultimate Test.
My fastest time (just done then) is now: 1:45.98 and my friend's is 1:46.76
We now make up the top 5 fastest people in the world on the Suzuki GSXR1000 with my time being the third fastest (world record for the GSX is 0.6 seconds faster) and his time making the fifth place.
I'm just really chuffed that we have been able to accomplish this and although we aren't as good as those in R1R or VVV, it is nice to have the clan's name on the leaderboards right near the top.
No doubt in the next few minutes my friend will lay down an even faster time, but yeh, we set out to make it into the top 10 fastest gixxer racers and we did it!