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Apr 15th, 2008 at 12:04am

wreckerman   Offline
Nor-Cal Flying Clubs

Gender: male
Posts: 51
The latest files that appear to only have thumbnails installed by danny garnier are not complete in fsx. no texture repairs no sound repairs no gauge repairs. So my question is why dont these planes get tested before posting ? some dont even have vc moreless gauges . With FS
and all the quality downloads availibly why does sim v even consider
low quality non repaired aircraft with the exeption of thumbnails , at which we all can pretty much place ourselves , to be posted as fsx repaired planes. After all the time the origianal designer and the repairs done by myself , nor-cal members ,and all others who seem to show great interest in working on and sharing the hard earned artwork that takes very much time to produce , having someone who claims a repair and posting it next to the hard work that we all commit to for just the pleasure of sharing it with all is just sad to see .I personally
nor will nor-cal contribute any more files until quality control has resolved this issue . Sad to see my favorite download site slip like this.
Still find sim v the best just needs tuning
Ted. T
Nor-Cal Prop Club

" Flying With Unity Through Diversity "
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Reply #1 - Apr 15th, 2008 at 1:49am

pete   Offline
'That would be a network
Cloud Cuckoo Land

Posts: 8500

Maybe you can give an specific example. I tried out the latest Staggerwing, the Do225 and the AS350. All seemed fine with useable cockpits, etc.

Like some of your own maybe there are some teething problems that need fixing?
But like I say the ones I tested seemed fine.

Edit: I am removing the Staggerwing as it sinks in water. Anyone know how to fix that? I've emailed the uploader - maybe he can fix. It is probably a simple aircraft.cfg edit ...  Undecided
« Last Edit: Apr 15th, 2008 at 2:33pm by pete »  

Think Global. It's the world we live in.
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Reply #2 - Apr 15th, 2008 at 12:02pm

Keep It Simple   Offline

Posts: 495
.......Like some of your own maybe there are some teething problems that need fixing........

Well said. �Wink
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Reply #3 - Apr 16th, 2008 at 7:40am

loomex   Offline
My 1969 Ludwig "pre-Bohnam"
with extra stuff

Gender: male
Posts: 1853
some dont even have vc moreless gauges

Unless you know how to build a plane, you may not understand some of the difficulties in building a VC. The VC is actually part of the model itself, not something that is added later.

Windows 7 Home Premium (x64) ,2.70 gigahertz AMD Phenom II X6 1045T(6-core), two HD (1TB and 500GB), 8gb RAM, ATI Radeon HD 5570,
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Reply #4 - Apr 16th, 2008 at 12:15pm

pete   Offline
'That would be a network
Cloud Cuckoo Land

Posts: 8500
some dont even have vc moreless gauges

Like I say - can you tell me which one? Generally we do test files if there could be a reason to suspect it may be a problem . Many are not posted or removed if problems are found.

I've been looking at these files & all the Danny Garnier uploads I've tested so far have VC's with working gauges. He simply seems to be identifying FS9 a/c that work in FSX and adding thumbs. He doesn't claim to be making mods or repaints.

I did remove the Staggerwing when it was reported it wouldn't land in water. I found that to be true & I am awaiting a fix.
Thanks for your great uploads too BTW! Smiley

Think Global. It's the world we live in.
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