Remember Greg Pepper's FS2002 CV-580. I saw that he posted a GMAX source file on FFDS and he says he would like for someone to go and improve it for later versions of FS.
Well I decided to inherit his model and improve in ways. It's going to feature a DVC, Virtual Cabin, modern XML animations, realistic soundset, real panel all kinds of good stuff. I still got some learning to do, like how to make XML stuff. I also want to figure out some bugs too.
I also might make the Convair 5800 version too.
Heres some photos of the progress: want to find out how to export my GMAX model without it saying "Node: C_gear, etc. has a scale applied. Remove before exporting." How do I do that? When I use the plane none of the animations besides the props and the ailerons, elevators, all the FS generated animations work.
If anyone could help me with this problem that wound be highly appreciated.
If you don't know what I am talking about:
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