LeFeaoux wrote on Feb 1
st, 2008 at 2:31pm:
Nobody knows ANYTHING about this subject???
You will need to find substitues for the original gauges iof they are of
the ".gau" type and FS98 versions, which are not supported in FSX.
I use a program called FSPanelStudio, which is payware ( although
they USED to have a freeware version ) that allows me to select
gauges and place tham in a panel. This allows you to see the gauge
and decide whether it "fixs" the panel you want to place it in.
There may be other options, other than trial and error, but I don't
have any inmfo on other utilities.
Rplacing a gauge is a simple matter of changing the
"gaugexx=" statement to use the name of the replacement gauge.