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Fan Q (Read 213 times)
Jan 19th, 2008 at 1:25pm

adkleaddog   Offline
Tonguetied n' twisted
just an earthbound misfit,

Gender: male
Posts: 200
I tried to hook up an aux fan..from a older computer. Low amp 12V...

I found a 12V "plug", not an aux fan plug, but from one of the extra power supplies for a drive, I tapped into that, when I started up my machine, the main fan sounded like it was going to spin out of the box....I disconnected the aux fan right away...which appeared to be running good.

I cleaned the power supply fan and the video fan(which was clogged)..
did that possibly cause it? 

Stupid Q...where exactly should I tap into? Does it matter where?

Any ideas?

Dell 8400 3.4Ghz
4G Ram
Nvidia 6800@256mb...soon to be upgraded! (Ideas here?)

Thanks in advance!



Sorry all, just being careful......I guess it was a simple thing to figure out... Embarrassed
« Last Edit: Jan 23rd, 2008 at 7:19pm by adkleaddog »  

If You Ain't The Lead Dog, The Scenery Never Changes! (Age Old Yukon Saying)

i7-860, 8GB DDR3 RAM 7-7-7-20, ATI5770 1GB, 2X 1TB HD, Corsair 750w p/s, Saitek ProFlight Yoke System+Throttle Quad+Pedals+Cyborg Keyboard.... FSX,GEX,UTX,UT2....What NeXt?
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