Just like to take moment or so of everyone's time to thank Mr. Clark profusely for making this handy liitle app. In case you aren't familiar with it it allows you to place the carrier (or group) at varying distances from your plane in free flight. It also allows you to spawn them in at designated co-ordinates on the map. It is available here in the "scenery" section for FSX.
I'm sure I wasn't alone in being dissapointed in the way MS implemented them in game and was getting tired of going to a specific location at a specific time to get the carriers. The alternative being to import them into the scenery file with aicarrier which led to some really "interesting" results at Norfolk on Friday at right around 1500
At any rate sorry to drift off-topic there as it were, just wanted to let Mr. Clark know how very much I enjoy his little file. You've definately made the purchase of the acceleration pack worth it for me at any rate. (YMMV of course)
Oops.....just noticed that it was linked to off Phil's site so sorry if everyone considers this redundant.