Awhile back, during a discussion about 'better blending' addon airfields into the existing scenery, Ketichheart cameup with a grand idea. He took existing grass texture files, those used on the rectangles and polygons on which addon airfields normally rest, and made transparent and semi-transparent versions by adding an alpha channel. Using the Steve McClelland's Far East scenery as a testbed, the results were fantastic. When the standard grass texture was replaced with the transparent version, the airfields appear directly on the normal cfs2 scenery and are perfectly blended....looking most natural.
I've uploaded these textures, and you can find them in CFS2/Scenery/Newsest. These textures can also be used with any addon bases by simply renaming the transparent file to whatever texture you wish to replace.
On the downloads page, the thumbnail shows a blended airfield, while the Willaimtown thumbnail above it shows a normal 'unblended' airfield.