A1 has been trying on his wig, and finds it fits snugly…. He’s got a new comp for you - introduced with some stunning shots…..The man who’s named after both an old English main road AND a paper size says:
“I would like to see the world's fifth busiest airport. That's right, Los Angeles International Airport (KLAX/LAX)!”
“ I’d like to see normal operations at LAX – everything that the airport brings to mind. I am a frequent plane spotter at LAX so I’d like to see angles from places where the spotter might be, but an ordinary fly-by or unusual angle is also allowed."
1. KLAX is where the shots should be; they should be typical of that airport.
2. There can be payware or freeware in the shots, FS any version. Editing NOT allowed this time.
3. You nominate one shot only, as a thumbnail of about 5 kb or as code without the image tags. IT CAN BE AN OLD SHOT if you don’t have time to create something especially for the comp, though original entries are encouraged…. Post it in this thread, below.
DEADLINE for submission of shots is 8 PM GMT on SATURDAY.
DEADLINE FOR JUDGE TO INFORM KRIGL: any time SATURDAY NIGHT. Please don’t forget – it’s YOUR comp after all!!!
The winner will be announced Sunday evening.
And, your winning shot goes into the Personal Portfolios!
4. The winner should decide on the next competition, and, by MONDAY NIGHT 8:00 GMT, send KRIGL three or four pics plus a short text to describe the competition and what they are looking for.
We will start the new competition on Monday night, so people have 5 evenings to produce their entries.
5. This is for fun, so just post whatever seems to you to fit the rules. In the spirit of StudioV, we're all aviation and aviation screenie fans, and friends, and so just about everything goes. Rules are secondary, and no questions needed.
It might be an idea to check out our Judge's work, see what he likes....
A. The main point is that you get to be the judge – but the winning shot will extend your portfolio….
B. If people don’t meet the dead-lines, don’t be surprised if Krigl makes the choices or even the competition for you. Studio V must ‘run on time’…. Sorry to be evil about this but it’s for the greater good, as it were.
If you have a shot which LAX something, don’t post it – only the best for A1 from LAX!!
So take some screenshot-freeing LAXative, don your most comfortable fLAXen clothing and…….
……..oh gawd that’s ENOUGH lameness already….. enjoy the comp and good luck!
The Gallery Team