Simviation announces the opening of
Months in the making, custom coding and the same emphasis on user friendliness, Simteevee is launched.
Simteevee is a new & hopefully unique video website aimed to bring videos of Flight Simulator and other PC games to our screens.
We have transferred all our existing videos to the new site. Go and have a look! There is some great work there and some great directors, many from these forums!
We encourage anyone who has videos to upload them and help our new site grow.
If you are keen on learning to make videos please feel free to ask in our Video forum.
Simteevee is in the very early stages so please feel free to make suggestions or report any errors here. Thanks to beta testers> All reported errors have been fixed but there may be more things as it's a complex site. Any reported errors will be promptly fixed
The balance between quality and performance is a fine one & can only be tuned with experience. Please report any problems on this issue!
Many thanks!
P.S. Thanks to Clipper for the logo!